hello as lesley…

hello as lesley mccalla is moveing ouy  as to the flat as she is moveing ouy as sunday briken in to as to m15 seen it as t

you no a crime as to unicon etes so hight ok now had to drink hard but ok moveing ouy next week ok now nexy door was brioken in to ok wicied evil evil evil crime ok moveing out with other top scientidsts and m15 m6 ok love lesley o yes lap stop not woring wrint 

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447 Responses to hello as lesley…

  1. rastameaning says:

    hello as I spoke to fortbraggs as you know want to close the house jade in as its not with in the law as to means ok and jade need love like my self and with others help it will happen my face heal and lips my own clear skin full as it was black and blue need rest up to late at nights gods help ok my bran scan was great as you got the same scanning tables in usa body flesh heal peace

    • rastameaning says:

      Look when opening mouth can’t see my tonsils ok as I was born with them I want my neck mouth throat back to normal size again ok you don’t do that even is a woman wanted oral sex you don’t threaten engineering technology abuse torture a round neck ok or threaten it been very painful for what they done and hit my left right pulse it seriously classed as a fist one Attempted murder Attempted assantion Attempted to threaten and gain health control ilegal threats to use slow death kill of any female women unless she murder her self then it can be 15: years or so in prison you don’t threaten health death or make health care with the industry of a hospital or hospice or threaten ok in this area ok as there wealthy very wealthy people who inprisonate a female as you did Lesley neck in side mouth neck normal she no experimention or unthical inhuman torture abuse you don’t threaten the side the human mouth neck or back of the neck size ok Air force base laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory I got copies download my self explanning this and photos of my neck back of neck I am no test subject of ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control I got evidence of my neck and the rest of evidence ok I am no broadcasting remote nerual monitoring stalking or sataillte I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal Texas

      • rastameaning says:

        For ilegal threats to deaths or health on god’s almighty United States American god’s almighty United States American god’s almighty United States American you should see my in side of my mouth the back of my throat ok I am no experimention ok or threaten death slow death or health with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control plus hi tech technology ok god’s almighty United States American will find them torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control or moterroler technology abuse torture assault illegal to neck or threaten death slow death or health it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to gain control to threaten death or health or make health and god’s almighty United States American I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and my mouth when opening to see back of the throat they read and see what copies download I got from internet blogs as to human health neck body organs as well this is serious terrists watch list to threaten and use technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance in your own home class action lawsuit against this account and build

      • rastameaning says:

        Still trying to control smile jaw skeleton in side the mouth use technology to use the skeleton to as the try and push it back and neck middle with unthical inhuman torture experimention they show they push eyes ball in slightly as well or make one fill different to the other with illegal unthical inhuman torture experimention but both normal size full and my eyes shape shoe human hair threw torture abuse show a chin raised up to far with unthical inhuman torture abuse with hi tech technology as to computer software engineer as she army engineered as to phyical movement mouth facial expression engineering phyops female handler black ops engineering black ops medical scientific female with scientific medical center Army of sciencolgy warfare as to working with Air force base laboratory as to mind control she hit mouth lip to feel with invisible assault wirless assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control all seriousness ilegal crime ever comitted to use and threaten life death or health class action lawsuit against this account and there will be found and traced your no God Jesus Christ they was prophet ok you don’t play a superior to a level to threaten death slow death unlawful control or its classed as murder ok as I got copies and attachments and explaining murder torture assault illegal technology abuse kill VK all comes under enthical inhuman experimention got it in black and white photo copies plus treason plus groups you name it I got copies download my self explanning this is made up laws unnatural laws real religious beliefs and myths real king queen’s and myths lies as to past history or historical society event s I got the real truth nothing but us MK ultra Delta machine days lots of stuff love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

      • rastameaning says:

        Get of ok you don’t threaten death slow death ok get off my neck you don’t threaten neck as to feeling it when others drinking or taking street control drugs ok you don’t threaten neck breathing ok with Technology machine engineering engineer female handler wirless invisible Assault ok or threaten black magic get of my neck throat chin neck skeleton mouth size ok lips colour body ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks again for your help with topics to this and photos and scans photo s

      • rastameaning says:

        She was trying to work on my neck and the in side of it as to throat in size the tonsils I can’t see them as I got skull scan with them as I can prove it with tops superiority court judge tops superiority court judge top.superiorty court judge ok you don’t threaten me and jaw teeth size neck chin front neck lips with technology abuse torture ok engineering and Air force base laboratory ok class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime ever comitted with technology wireless invisible Assault ok torture you are terrists group for this calendar of activities to me or ilegal surveillance station ilegal surveillance no cover ups

      • rastameaning says:

        Look tops superiority of the revlionary the female handler engineering was wicked and was scanned human hair thickness get long ok she took with unlawful inhuman amount like they did but my own get thicker all over top front back underneath crown side very front top stay and get thinker you don’t threaten human hair with torture or machine to ear the machine engineering voice look the amount is like the Holocaust museum ok from this building Solon ok I keep the rest and get thicker they show hospital band she leg show sweet but I cut down I saved all the hair for seriously for super top special supreme court you don’t threaten me any more or death or life style clothes ok you are one wicked female engineering physics for this ok I get justice American is a very large place fortknox fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth more got army military physops engineering women who got there own Super long thick hair super thick and are untouable respect my own hair I grow my hair for years and years

      • rastameaning says:

        for female male for cruity to myself and 🐈 blessing is name it she does phyical movement say word in writing skill full she hit faical skeleton face you know how things the facial skull is ok all day been using trigger hit to face with pathology Army intelligence female and male who works at army infantry Division ok I know about my constitutional rights And amendment s in America you don’t threaten organised bye agency organised or agent to take sides as to torture is illustrated seriously ilegal crime plus had brain scan good for life lucky enough after that car accident as well had a nother one not so long ago good for life from royal hospital no Agent from American with knowledge as title as to royal desent can get involved with this only to say stop it as to threaten death slow death or health or threaten Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution torture is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted plus VK voice control electronic harresment VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy remote nerual monitoring plus phyicotronic it’s States it’s seriously ilegal crime ever comitted ok like MK ultra Delta was and MK ultra days was with central intelligence agency organised ok was closed permanently closed down ok my own hair stay ok bath shower perfume cream wash hair it been years as to this I have not been able to ok but will evey day love respect happiness and freedom and happiness ok blessing will eat drink rest and I eat normal way rest and lose weight natural way ok

      • rastameaning says:

        Ok female handler engineering got maids butler and great life style ok back off from me ok as said in some sentence got a few words wrong ok

      • rastameaning says:

        Ok Sara you heard me back off ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok love respect happiness and freedom and wickedness back off ok love respect happiness and freedom love respect happiness and to a human being

      • rastameaning says:

        Looking as stuff on website as to different nationalities they done a hollow sound to human skull it not nice look as said I had quite a few brain scan and good for life but I have got multiple fracture s ok look leave me alone and with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit

      • rastameaning says:

        Been reading about Rome Catholic ok as to England once as to death certificate ok like the Holocaust German s Italian I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs once again now percution is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted and is illustrated seriously very much illegal ok and I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok ok there Tons of stuff about it plus third Reich occult practice magician so on I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted it’s crazy how these perpetrators tormenters handler even thought they could get a way with it they couldn’t and did not there power was over with and so was there spiritual warfare crimmal s of crime was they was charged for geoside treason warfare Crime’s against humanity as they used occultism spritally practice s as well as to health as well it was smashed as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs the Holocaust days love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness and freedom and freedom and freedom thanks again blogs word press releases blogs your support regards this topic s your super tops your great

      • rastameaning says:

        Look theses perpetrators female handler engineering in there Air force base laboratory don’t put machine technology abuse torture over my body for breathing they don’t threaten 💓 breathing normal pulse rythum normal ok you don’t put pressure on neck front body as to hold or bloat out with technology abuse torture or machinery botten panel of breathing ok

      • rastameaning says:

        Look theses perpetrators female handler engineering in there Air force base laboratory don’t put machine technology abuse torture over my body for breathing they don’t threaten 💓 breathing normal pulse rythum normal ok you don’t put pressure on neck front body as to hold or bloat out with technology abuse torture or machinery botten panel of breathing ok you don’t threaten me any more ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten me any more or with your ilegal sericuty means as a prisoner ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base ok you don’t threaten voice to skull or use technology ilegal marchinary phyops phyics Satanist satanic ok as I got copies download my self explanning this ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases ok and a bout NSA so on I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok been reading about this topic s as to machinery equipment engineering so on their equipment engineering so will be found just like underground bases was for black ops phyops black budget MK ultra days was found MK ultra Delta machine mind control paper clip and more

      • rastameaning says:

        I just got more information about black magic ritual s as well ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

      • rastameaning says:

        She done phyics slightly to Arm they use a soft voice in the back ground who say he watched it from laboratory Airforce base the ilegal torture assault illegal surveillance as well he make out the age is about 4o years ok he see the ilegal technology engineering physics Technics technical Technics black ops phyops engineers Technics on lower Arm with scientific division medical doctor female scientist engineering technology abuse torture with VK voice to skull I keep my own hair long waist length long ok as Washington DC Bible says TEXAS fortknox fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk

      • rastameaning says:

        I said get of my arm you Islamic xxxx ok looked sentence up on internet got copies download my self explanning this and evidence the VK voice control voice to skull like gulf days said 💓 ok heart attack you don’t threaten me any more with technology wireless invisible Assault machine or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime or satanic abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring ok or with electronic harresment plus VK voice to skull ok you be found and traced as to your hiding place as to ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory torture assault illegal technology voice control is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases as well ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom you don’t threaten breathing with technology machinery technology ok as I been reading about Electronic harresment VK voice control phyicotronic remote nerual monitoring as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well

      • rastameaning says:

        With other on website I got copies download my self explanning this and photos for my evidence ok when I talked about it saying you don’t threaten or watching me in my own home threaten to rape thought ideals she put the female terrists group watching with ilegal surveillance station software engineer system it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal as you know show thickness of human hair as to I keep my own hair long waist length long ok underneath very front top crown side ok tops Ranking Fortbragg forts Texas ok now they say I pulse that blog with VK voice control ok from UK not United States American wordpress blog ok they show images of resources of hair they show military Army from crown London UK only then show human being arms skin with technology abuse torture or skin as my own gran would say still very much young you don’t threaten any age ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok I got copies download my self explanning London UK crown monarch as to real Bristish ok who had to even close castle historical events times medevil times closed like in Wales ok I had brain scan good for life ok leg heal ok you don’t threaten me any more even about money seen others life style clothes so on from London

      • rastameaning says:

        Been reading about intelligence forces with technology abuse torture or Microwave voice to skull mind control MK ultra Delta machine so I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit ok they be traced found and brought to a crimmal offence court love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok enough now blogs word press releases you been great help as well as regards to this as well love respect happiness and freedom ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your support been great regards as to educate yourself regards this topic s thanks again

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten walking back hip spine with technology wireless invisible Assault machinery torture abuse you be found ok male female handler engineering ok I walk for life back spine lower spine good for life ok mafia female handler male ok you are corruptive surveillance ok you be traced ok I been reading about agent over seas with crown monarch London UK MK ultra Delta machine wordpress blog realeaces blogs as I got copies download my self explanning this from your blogs as to many years ago as to this ok but cut long story I walk back Lower spine good for life and strong I new a person who had a crubble spine ok but others I knew spine great ok I been reading about skeleton bones so on like North Carolina museum I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

    • rastameaning says:

      Well base can’t shout down only arrested ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I will

      • rastameaning says:

        Still trying to control smile jaw skeleton in side the mouth use technology to use the skeleton to as the try and push it back and neck middle with unthical inhuman torture experimention they show they push eyes ball in slightly as well or make one fill different to the other with illegal unthical inhuman torture experimention but both normal size full and my eyes shape shoe human hair threw torture abuse show a chin raised up to far with unthical inhuman torture abuse with hi tech technology as to computer software engineer as she army engineered as to phyical movement mouth facial expression engineering phyops female handler black ops engineering black ops medical scientific female with scientific medical center Army of sciencolgy warfare as to working with Air force base laboratory as to mind control she hit mouth lip to feel with invisible assault wirless assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control all seriousness ilegal crime ever comitted to use and threaten life death or health class action lawsuit against this account and there will be found and traced your no God Jesus Christ they was prophet ok you don’t play a superior to a level to threaten death slow death unlawful control or its classed as murder ok as I got copies and attachments and explaining murder torture assault illegal technology abuse kill VK all comes under enthical inhuman experimention got it in black and white photo copies plus treason plus groups you name it I got copies download my self explanning this is made up laws unnatural laws real religious beliefs and myths real king queen’s and myths lies as to past history or historical society event s I got the real truth nothing but us MK ultra Delta machine days lots of stuff love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok love respect happiness and freedom ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog

      • Rastameaning says:

        Look theses perpetrators female handler engineering in there Air force base laboratory don’t put machine technology abuse torture over my body for breathing they don’t threaten 💓 breathing normal pulse rythum normal ok you don’t put pressure on neck front body as to hold or bloat out with technology abuse torture or machinery botten panel of breathing ok you don’t threaten me any more ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s ok love respect a human being

      • rastameaning says:

        I just got more information about black magic ritual s as well ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and Happiness ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs regards this topic s as well with your own releases blogs

      • rastameaning says:

        Been reading about intelligence forces with technology abuse torture or Microwave voice to skull mind control MK ultra Delta machine so I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit ok they be traced found and brought to a crimmal offence court love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok enough now blogs word press releases you been great help as well as regards to this as well love respect happiness and freedom ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your support been great regards as to educate yourself regards this topic s thanks again ♥️💄💎

    • rastameaning says:

      The occultism lurfranian engineering phyops female handler is working with like a form of black magic master ok black vault Art ok now when people took crack she works push bone neck a bit front of neck to show sucken neck as to skin and use skeleton form in the mouth as to narrow the size left up the chin to put pressure on the front neck to use slow death kill then attachments was teeth like a phyicotronic electronic harresment to tooth teeth ok so I had to look up stuff on this internet blogs regards this topic and it’s came under as I had to download the copies my self explanning this and photos and prove of evidence as well it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime comes under unlawful enthical experimention ilegal crime control of a human being plus neck body control as I got prove photos to prove this it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to ever comitted to human beings neck mouth so on or threaten death slow death or health or make health condition ok they are Air force base laboratory and under ground base laboratory as well and it’s Illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit us threaten to kill slowly or sorry health as they specialise in health condition only like a mix and bland as you know it’s ilegal VK voice control its seriously ilegal electronic harresment plus phyicotronic it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime us to use technology wireless invisible Assault machine plus Artificial Intelligence telepathy with VK voice control its seriously ilegal crime ever comitted or neck torture or to health breathing as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos and evidence for my Superiority court case so it’s attached are Attempting murder Attempted Asssantion or slow death it Illustrated ilegal crime and can come under words as terrists group treason or crime against humanity and more importantly it’s a crime ok now thanks blogs internet blogs regards this topic and to educate yourself about this topic love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness thanks again blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks again

    • rastameaning says:

      Get of ok you don’t threaten death slow death ok get off my neck you don’t threaten neck as to feeling it when others drinking or taking street control drugs ok you don’t threaten neck breathing ok with Technology machine engineering engineer female handler wirless invisible Assault ok or threaten black magic get of my neck throat chin

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten death say with voice control jade look after own family and life and show me with images my father mother brother who are past on you going to top seriously top court for class A for Attempted murder Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder to say age of life with you ilegal surveillance you don’t take me over with Aduction and threaten health or death ok you don’t threaten with a a mafia ok my mother father brother is my own business and my Neice and love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I will still young enough my loved ones past on all most 30 years plus you don’t threaten me with technology machine class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime to commit plus show human hair with images

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten neck with engineering engineer phyics female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance will be traced found

    • rastameaning says:

      Just give me skull Assault book the middle part of the skull of head came up in a line to fell it it go back to normal these perpetrators tormenters handler female are like lurfranian look my life been hell for 2years in this building look laboratory drop your technician technology wireless invisible Assault of my body NAZIS I been reading about the Holocaust museum and hair got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball pentagon get off my neck jaw ok look I no there lots of religious beliefs and books I got a few for evidence ok I except people own beliefs it up to them and freedom of information freedom of religion but you don’t push it on me or any one or threaten ok so love respect happiness and freedom and freedom of expression of religion it’s up to the individual ok

      • Rastameaning says:

        Ok been reading about castle historical events even with religious beliefs priest who murder Attempted murder Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder ok real British fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball would tell you as they closed permanently closed down alot of buildings with technology software said I had enough of you you be found with Technology marchinary medical scientific division Airforce base the lot of you be traced found

      • rastameaning says:

        When others drinking you hit me because I don’t plus if the are getting on with there life and you say it’s mentally health you hit me if they drink I don’t I got my own personal body and they got there own love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom mind control MK ultra is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten me or give insight to human stomach or organ or hair ok as to this building with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual mind control ok you be found ok Air force base laboratory ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health or torture ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs I got copies download my self explanning this Andrew VK voice control electronic harresment plus phyicotronic ok all illustrated ilegal plus MK ultra for voice control or torture assault must stop and be found you don’t threaten control to me any more with VK voice control is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to

    • rastameaning says:

      The army pathologist use technology mind control the female handler go on a bout my cheek mole freckles I keep for life tops superiority fortknox ok they try to frame thought this building is illustrated seriously ilegal with Italian ok but not then in the photos from YouTube years a go ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness keep my own cheek mole freckles for life ok only have tattoo Lazer off technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit plus you don’t threaten hair ok it can lead in to a prison sentence ok ok keep my own cheek mole freckles ok keep my own money ok like others have ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks again for your help with this topic

    • rastameaning says:

      As I sat back with technical technology they hit me back as the machinery it like a brick wall in front off you but transparent ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit plus prisonment for useing technical Technics technology this way I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness you be found engineering technology abuse torture and your Airforce base

    • rastameaning says:

      Ok as Said Charlie was in a hospice I ok Charlie Maria long term friend was in one for just over two months before he died and of course Maria passed away in hospital well ok I be ok I never end up in one respect

    • Rastameaning says:

      With medical scientific female phyops with sofistcation she got a bit off water from my right eye with control ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring

    • rastameaning says:

      With medical scientific female phyops with sofistcation she got a bit off water from my right eye with control ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring ok is illustrated seriously ilegal crime

    • rastameaning says:

      With group female perpetrators watching been hitting on leg knees caps back of leg for 2 years there are like lurfranian but got Isis knowledge of torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring as said it’s simpler to Isis torture assault

      • Rastameaning says:

        Been reading about intelligence forces with technology abuse torture or Microwave voice to skull mind control MK ultra Delta machine so I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit ok they be traced found and brought to a crimmal offence court love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok enough now blogs word press releases you been great help as well as regards to this as well love respect happiness and freedom ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your support been great regards as to educate yourself regards this topic s thanks again ♥️💄💎 love respect

    • rastameaning says:

      With group female perpetrators watching been hitting on leg knees caps back of leg for 2 years there are like lurfranian but got Isis knowledge of torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring as said it’s simpler to Isis torture assault it’s like ISIS torture abuse

    • rastameaning says:

      With group female perpetrators watching been hitting on leg knees caps back of leg for 2 years there are like lurfranian but got Isis knowledge of torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring as said it’s simpler to Isis torture assault it’s like ISIS torture abuse they beat leg neck sounds around skull plus hit to nose with VK voice control say prisonment for a very long time

      • rastameaning says:

        You know when you smoke crack pipe the scientist scan you plus black ops phyops phyics engineering ok as street drugs are as you know underground ilegal you don’t threaten me or neck life body heath of leg or use healthy human being unwell you be traced

    • rastameaning says:

      Ok Sara you heard me back off ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok love respect happiness and freedom and wickedness back off ok love respect happiness and freedom

    • rastameaning says:

      For my self who had muitplur frature s on skull body ok robbed car accident baby past a way brutally beaten up with tech technology wireless invisible Assault machine weapon technology torture abuse on top of this with illegal technology remote nerual monitoring surveillance its on god’s almighty seriously ilegal crime to commit ok my body been black and blue I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom body will heal plus hair stay long waist length on Bible of United States American and get thicker as I got evidence of large amount threw torture abuse program ok you don’t threaten me any more female handler male ok Armed forces secret police agent technology abuse torture is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ok and priestess lurfranian repetillan is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted to threaten ok you be traced for this control over me in this building on pentagon who hate satainc occult practice and threaten death or health god’s almighty Texas telling the truth my life been hell in this building used a abused with technology abuse torture plus you don’t threaten Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder or threaten health ok I heal mentally physically emotionally it was Attempted Asssantion the way they wanted me to not make a home when others making there own plans great but you don’t threaten me any more over any one you don’t rape my thoughts to gain respect to say it was your own ideas and threaten me ok mockingbird mind control MK ultra Delta

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten 💓 breathing lungs as I got copies download my self explanning this and regards to voice to skull technology abuse torture electronic harresment plus phyicotronic plus remote nerual monitoring ok I say love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness theses perpetrators will be charged with ilegal crime s ok love respect

    • Rastameaning says:

      He hit me on the left side with technology engineering physics Technics technical details of design to feel on body with technology ilegal marchinary phyops female handler engineering technology abuse torture you don’t threaten me any more or health or death ok tops superiority fortknox would agree as to lawyers for a class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance monitoring as well ok wordpress blog I know about my own constitutional rights reserved privacy plus terms of a lawyer as there top ranking lawyers out there ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal ok just to let you know I know about real lawsuit lawyers ok who would take the case over ok good bye enough from me remember remote nerual monitoring with technology abuse torture plus ilegal Covert surveillance is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted

    • rastameaning says:

      I been looking at blogs as to Kevin Christian target individual case he quite a cool guy glad life working out for now that super ok so there justice there’s case’s and there happiness and freedom love respect regards theses stories and real event s that fact not fiction ok

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten health breathing or heart or liver or life health or threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring us engineer system physics Technics ok Electronic harresment VK voice control and technology abuse torture or machinery wirless invisible Assault with magnetsfeild technology or microwave weapon technology voice to skull technology is illustrated seriously ilegal just got more information about this topic s ok wordpress blog releases

    • rastameaning says:

      been reading about level government like MK ultra with priestess lurfranian priestess priest ok as to MK ultra Delta machine days yet again got more information about this topic s plus the Kubal and all there name’s historical events times and more ok great knowledge thanks blogs word press releases blogs got copies download my self explanning this and you have wordpress blog realeaces blogs

    • rastameaning says:

      been reading about level government like MK ultra with priestess lurfranian priestess priest ok as to MK ultra Delta machine days yet again got more information about this topic s plus the Kubal and all there name’s historical events times and more ok great knowledge thanks blogs word press releases blogs got copies download my self explanning this and you have wordpress blog realeaces blogspot com great thanks again great to educate yourself regards this topic s as to even Crime’s against humanity

    • rastameaning says:

      Theses perpetrators female handler engineering doctor scientific scientist get off my neck throat ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory ok they hit neck show throat one use voice control as to one doctor the other doctor abuse me with technology abuse torture as to ilegal priestess involvement priest as well as to not but there no such thing as to the individual of level of height with machinery ok they all can be traced if it’s day time or night time ok those private sataillte or NSA and other names can be found ok long waist length long hair thickness get thicker you don’t threaten me any more with technology abuse torture assault ok mafia female mafia male ok about face hair leg arm ok still young enough ok get off my neck

    • rastameaning says:

      I keep my own cheek mole freckles dark brown from birth for life ok fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk forts Texas pentagon ok look I been having illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring torture abuse from technology bok it’s treason and there like Terrists group female perpetrators plus male ok as said I keep my own hair long waist length long ok and get thicker plus keep my own cheek mole freckles dark brown for life ok you don’t threaten Organism with technology abuse torture ok I been reading about satainc religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare ok priestess lurfranian

    • rastameaning says:

      Been reading about intelligence forces with technology abuse torture or Microwave voice to skull mind control MK ultra Delta machine so I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit ok they be traced found and brought to a crimmal offence court love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok enough now blogs word press releases you been great help as well as regards to this as well love respect happiness and freedom ok thanks

    • rastameaning says:

      Ok Utah ok as to fire Gard’s it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring ok as I got copies download my self explanning this or slow death torture abuse is illustrated seriously ilegal crime you don’t threaten machinery to gain control life death with satanic religious beliefs occultism or like MK ultra Delta machine ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ok like electronic harresment plus phyicotronic so on I say if you threaten so me to gain control its fine or prison if you threaten death or say time up and you commit murder it’s a different case all together ok and if you murder off a person there you go it could be fireing Gard’s ok as I say love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

    • rastameaning says:

      Went up stairs for a coffee ok remember there surly have there own personal private life ok put key in my own front door she put machinery right a cross lower body back and to feel they said a bout cleaning up it physically abuse torture assault illegal surveillance but back spine be great normal for life ok you don’t threaten me in my own home any more ok or show wheel chair with technology images from a Air force base laboratory as said you don’t threaten with technology computer software writing to see about body health life ok as my spine be good for life they control website spine be good for life ok I say I like you don’t threaten me as to a human being bone with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control you don’t threaten bone or say words about it ok with machinery ok

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten body to me ok or I saw control website as to disability scooter wheel chair as said I am lucky enough for life back legs ok to never go in one after car accident ok back spine stay strong ok been reading about this topic s again ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring Electronic harresment VK voice control phyicotronic ok all seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit ok you be traced ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal ok lots of stuff I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to treason geoside murder Attempted Execution Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted threats put people in wheelchair so on with technology machinery mafia medical so on as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs ok like central intelligence agency organised MK ultra Delta machine was closed permanently closed laboratory base ok

    • Rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten machinery technology technical Technics technology to arm or skin how you could but can’t look over teashirt ok or it’s firing Gard’s your michnary engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance monitoring us you don’t threaten ok Death slow down health ok with ilegal technology electronic engineering Harresment phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare plus VK voice control any more ok or body arm skin life you don’t threaten machinery on arms or skin over any one

  2. rastameaning says:

    sorry one word wrong brain scan was great and all way will be voice control must stop and there own words and rape thoughts ok arm skin firm no mark on it as it was hurt as well got photos ok ok ok ok ok

    • rastameaning says:

      look brain be great look hit lips after control mind as to traval words as to mind take over as to some one I once new and hit them on websight show as I got how they can traval words as to speed be for you say some thing as to mind control crime great things are changing and looks like mind control be the thing of the past look spoke to fortbraggs base they are super they will be found you don’t hit lips skin on a women who as face hurt and no clothes to wear and so on to control ok my lips skin normal face ok as you no other spends years of creams and money more then other would pay but all the same don’t hit nose neck forhead arm legs foot cheeks and mental health crime as to Lesley flat got red I black monarchy royal alarm as I got paper work to prove it and where gade is you don’t put light over eyes sounds over eyes and hope then head move in a way you can not stand ok large fortbraggs base with love who love will help hospitals save lifes with scanning tables and help s people move on with there lifes as well you see there happy sad we want people to be happy faith will destroy evil ok love all any ages races we are not numbers to be used we are people

      • rastameaning says:

        hello Lesley had a little row with china man in the shop said move a way when you see them cook I said get a door there any way it was a little row but I said try to make me say it loud and the computer over my face to fill a gain any way left the shop said keep the money shame food great and why tried to play gamesas well when I got back to jane old flat with redand black on the wall as to alarm as they got the same as most as on Gloucester road I make it body life and as other china will say never mind all for gotten hair body minds as you know a china great as all most sit on my hair thick all over front all over love peace

      • rastameaning says:

        ok I got prove stored on my lap top ok as to a woman with hole in belly feeding food I ear normal for life as top doctors said ok any way now she can eat normal again threw mouth ok

    • rastameaning says:

      Don’t hit Lesley front neck skin and when walking with stick after the car ho
      It her to the floor it’s to level both side the same don’t put computer a round her to lower the right side. When walking and hit the face the same side and lip and show skin lips of others walk straight both side lips skin clear and face skin don’t show skin neck of others as her own late grandmother. Would not and got her own world mind body to see me keep mine as to love

    • rastameaning says:

      Get off my full top.lip or lips I keep it very much full like my X husband says and I wore pick lips stick ok and with out very full lips I have as he knows I do the last time I seen him he did ok I keep full mouth and lips and skin clear before lips colour ok

      • rastameaning says:

        For my arms a long from this ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory it’s s smlier to like when DOD was involved with MK ultra Delta machine UK London knowledge ok with Central intelligence agency s ok look female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance her arms normal and skin ok she uses black chockal gloves for this medical scientific technical Technics of phyops engineering technology you don’t threaten life death slow death or make health condition or threaten death or mortality ok with a few in a underground base with Airforce scientific medical doctor laboratory base with sercet service Army police ok or microwave VK voice of God as wordpress blog United States American wordpress theme realeaces state it physically mentally emotionally spritally warfare crimals crime ok as I got copies download my self explanning this from there blogs and they can be found for it and charges against this account of ilegal crime

      • rastameaning says:

        Stop controller the baby blessing 🐈 for hours for food he eat normal times amount and drink rest ok enough ok and for me to rise voice ok my own body been through enough ok back off you female handler engineering

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten human hair thickness or in sight to hit with unhuman torture ok front top crown underneath side very front ok forts Bragg’s fortknox gold would say Army military best Technology to track perpetrators tormenters Down ok love respect happiness and freedom I no my constitutal right and Amendments constitutional as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

    • rastameaning says:

      Stop controller the baby blessing 🐈 for hours for food he eat normal times amount and drink rest

  3. rastameaning says:

    Hello I make it body mind it’s been a long 17 years so long for what we’ll as said i will make it thanks

    • rastameaning says:

      Stop controller the baby blessing 🐈 for hours for food he eat normal times amount and drink rest ok enough ok and for me to rise voice ok my own body been through enough ok back off you female handler engineering ok you got maids butler a great life style clothes so on

  4. rastameaning says:

    I make it every one love happiness mind body xxx

    • rastameaning says:

      ok I got prove stored on my lap top ok as to a woman with hole in belly feeding food I ear normal for life as top doctors said ok any way now she can eat normal again threw mouth ok super

      • rastameaning says:

        As said handler engineering got maid’s butler ok super life style ok sorry I get sentence wrong words ok Fortknox fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball

  5. rastameaning says:

    They hit me body with VK voice control illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic stalking harassment plus hit body after food if it they hit me and use ilegal what they make out is paronmal writing they show horns in images I eat what I want you don’t threaten technology wireless invisible assault you can be traced for this as blogs state ok as I got copies download my self explanning this no more
    relea technology abuse torture a round me ok thanks blogs word press releases I got copies download my self explanning this ok thanks to gain knowledge they can be found love respect happiness freedom physically mentally emotionally heal

    • rastameaning says:

      I been reading about food recipes Sinon it super I try some love respect

      • rastameaning says:

        ok I got prove stored on my lap top ok as to a woman with hole in belly feeding food I ear normal for life as top doctors said ok any way now she can eat normal again threw mouth ok super ok

      • rastameaning says:

        Sorry word wrong means handler got maids butler a great life style ok back off from me look this is terrorism’s

    • rastameaning says:

      Stop controller the baby blessing 🐈 for hours for food he eat normal times amount and drink rest ok enough ok and for me to rise voice ok my own body been through enough ok back off you female handler engineering ok you got maids butler a great life style clothes so on you don’t threaten health and say your very careful ok with voice control ok I am native ok VK voice control is illustrated ilegal microwave electronic harresment plus VK voice control

  6. rastameaning says:

    Said I wanted to get some food hit right leg and sound a round skull it’s seriously ilegal to read some one thoughts mind or threaten or frame thought ok ilegal inveded personal privacy of the mind ok

    • rastameaning says:

      As said handler engineering got maid’s butler ok super life style ok sorry I get sentence wrong words ok Fortknox fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood ok hit back angle wing I got muitplur frature s ok

      • rastameaning says:

        Stop controller the baby blessing 🐈 for hours for food he eat normal times amount and drink rest ok enough ok and for me to rise voice ok my own body been through enough ok back off you female handler engineering ok you got maids butler a great life style clothes so on you don’t threaten health and say your very careful ok with voice control ok I am native ok VK voice control is illustrated ilegal microwave electronic harresment plus VK voice control ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support

  7. rastameaning says:

    Said it prison looking on internet said with illegal technology VK voice of God heart 💓 heartatteck you will not have as clear as day like he or she was sat next to me but female handler engineering make out she a man and users man voice machine technology to sound like a man but she a woman and a man like it remote viewing

    • rastameaning says:

      I never have a heart attack ok ilegal surveillance software engineer VK voice control illegal never not for you or any body

  8. rastameaning says:

    As I was walking the female engineering our h my belly to swell a bit go back to normal with illegal technology plus ilegal surveillance ok after I got a few Bible one is vintage style with a few names wrote in it ok you don’t threaten me and play a Jesus Christ god with satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally heal physically mentally emotionally I will ok VK voice of God boot missing 3 new pairs of boots you don’t threaten ok and with paronmal writing or threaten health ok or threaten to kill slowly or phyicotronic electronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism

    • rastameaning says:

      I got lots well quite a few Bible now over the years some with a name left it it I keep it as to evidence but it’s harmless ok you don’t hit me with technology wireless invisible assault to body with technology engineering and use VK voice control or stream line veiwing or broadcasting got lots of copies explanning this as well ok you don’t threaten death slow death kill with illegal technology and health enough I had car accident ok thanks words press releases blogs United States American a bout lots of stuff I educate my self explanning scientific research technician phyops you name it I got copies download my self explanning this and a bout military service Army so on love respect happiness and health heal enough to me as to a woman ok it’s is ilegal to use wirless invisible assault phyicotronic electronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism so so so much copies I got regards this and modern times with good army military with technology not the with illegal technology remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment other stuff so I look at that now wordpress blog you got to love understand that torture is a crime it been terribly on my body with technology Assault for 15 months like real punches

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten eye’s or body or normal life to clean wash bath shower perfume clothes legs body I make it ok physically mentally emotionally spritally ok female handler female handler with a few man watching with illegal surveillance people was born be for Bible was but nice to have I few I got the long the way colacter s now the Bible like the museum has Bible from thousands years back

      • rastameaning says:

        It’s prison for technology they use found base Air force stalking remote nerual monitoring it belly like it was a magnetic feeling like it felt stickie but not but felt like magnetic ok you don’t threaten with VK or threaten with engineering laboratory base Airforce

      • rastameaning says:

        They trying but can’t affect my body with wirless invisible assault they be found I spoke to pentagon years a go they know forts Bragg’s got the best super best to get them it’s a female handler the most who use the technology it like phyicotronic stalling harresment word press tell them you don’t threaten body with technology ilegal surveillance software engineer system and with base Airforce

      • rastameaning says:

        It’s prisonment

      • rastameaning says:

        Ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs this abuse should of stopped years ago ok this building been watching me ok it’s a mafia

    • rastameaning says:

      Look one million thousands millions percent it’s Air force base technology used a light on lower part of body a be look it is military or Army as other had wore army clothes around this area the ones from London you don’t threaten body health it light like wave bullet circle they used and hit neck it looks like Army secret police involved you don’t hit me as once I was a pregnant woman ok get off my body it’s me terrible abuse torture abuse find them and there Airforce base laboratory

      • rastameaning says:

        You should see the barbaric amount of human hair I had to save ok as to the female s handler it’s seriously alarge amount you could ever see for my evidence for tops superiority special superior court judge it’s seriously large amount no one got the rights to do it to a human being

    • rastameaning says:

      Stop controller the baby blessing 🐈 for hours for food he eat normal times amount and drink rest ok enough ok and for me to rise voice ok my own body been through enough ok back off you female handler engineering ok you got maids butler a great life style clothes so on you don’t threaten health and say your very careful ok with voice control ok I am native ok VK voice control is illustrated ilegal microwave electronic harresment plus VK voice control ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support as my own mother would want as well love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom this building scientific division will be found ok

  9. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten eyes Torture abuse with lights design over eye’s balls lids you don’t threaten about clothes ok I see for life both eyes I wear mild classes for life both eyes both eyes see for life ok like millions and thousands do and are untouchable ok love respect happiness and physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I had scan skull scan said I see for life both eyes I was lucky enough as to my accident

  10. rastameaning says:

    As I was walking on Gloucester road hit body assault when police was in the area and hit a cross necklace front body it’s seriously ilegal crime on Gloucester road the hit eyes and hit face the same time plus hit belly or if car drive past don’t know the person at all or the car put like sonic sound over ear put feeling of hit to feel on body it’s Airforce remote control engineering look like it’s a few ok as to watching plus this area when I walking knowledge to know others happiness freedom injoyment 😍🤩😂🤣😃😄😆😎 I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal don’t threaten me or my body

    • rastameaning says:

      As said handler engineering got maid’s butler ok super life style ok sorry I get sentence wrong words ok Fortknox fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood ok hit back angle wing I got muitplur frature s ok ok ilegal surveillance station Air force base ok it more Italian German Africa ilegal surveillance monitoring ok

  11. rastameaning says:

    ok I got prove stored on my lap top ok as to a woman with hole in belly feeding food I ear normal for life as top doctors said ok any way now she can eat normal again threw mouth

  12. rastameaning says:

    Just had to phone up again about pip but I win the case like others in this building it’s seriously ilegal to watch you in your own home or threaten ok or for mental health ok I will win it back no medical scientific or doctor got the rights to watch you in your own home that your constitutional rights ok real British a gree with that not even monarch red and black could I keep my own money welfare money pip ok it’s Christmas soon like millions thousands will injoyment 😍🤩 and untouchable ok real British

    • rastameaning says:

      As said I keep PIP ok just had to phone again as it coming up to Christmas again ok now look you don’t threaten or with VK as there different ranks to pentagon or fortknox fortbragg as we agree surveillance in your own home is classed as seriously ilegal or threaten ok I had brain scan all good for life lucky enough as to car accident but I multiple fracture s to skull and ankle plus serious frature to should bone could not operate on it but I can still use it not to pick up heavy stuff I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal love respect happiness and freedom as said keep PIP ok I just phoned up about I rest heal I look at more stuff on blogs love respect happiness and freedom

  13. rastameaning says:

    skull had a great brain scan ok for life ok all mighty God s for life I was lucky ok the body assault been hard a to neck to feel as to this building Solon ok I think it Italian not sure ok I clean bath shower perfume cream s ok you don’t threaten skin or body with technology wireless invisible Assault remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control broadcasting ok as its ilegal or with satanic religious beliefs torture occult it’s seriously ilegal ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I keep saying enough but it is l looked hard as to gain knowledge about this from internet blogs regards this and I got copies download my self explanning this who they are plus even about MK ultra Delta machine software engineer you name it I got copies download my self explanning this even as early as to the 40s 50 s so on as to even warfare days look I cream arms legs body use shower perfume cream bath eyes great for Life lucky again ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally ok as said got copies download my self explanning this occultism spritally occult with religious beliefs was very much illegal as well so now I think it’s enough about it times change to modern times historical times is the past years ok love respect that

    • rastameaning says:

      My blessing cat eat drink rest 🐈 love

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten me in this building Solon with technology remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK I felt the body assault it’s seriously seriously ilegal surveillance you don’t threaten about my money or when I bye some things as to cheap prices

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten me a bout benefits pip welfare or download brown envelope I keep all of it ok like others do ok all you do it go on a bout my money want I can do bye that ilegal I keep my own full money that pip and so on ok others are ok happy enough love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally

  14. rastameaning says:

    Theses this area you don’t tell me a bout teeth hair clothes bath shower perfume cream ok clothes stolen off me ok for others to wear they new where they wanted him to look my teeth I get looked at hair I wash you don’t threaten thickness of hair ok you don’t threaten eye’s ball colour of it ok and shape for shape eyes I see for life and my eyes shape stay with me for life as from a little girl you don’t use mk voice control with illegal surveillance ok or you don’t show tooth ok legs go back to normal size lose weight natural way and I am still young enough ok I get my goal clothes life style home clothes perfume cream bath shower perfume cream bath shower perfume cream bath shower olis

  15. rastameaning says:

    O yes sorry about this but I did find some more clothes I had to look again just for get it now

  16. rastameaning says:

    Stop hitting face with technology wireless invisible Assault from Air force base I keep my face normal clear keep freckles mole dark brown ok you don’t threaten death slow death life with technology torture or VK engineering phyops voice control or electronic stalking harassment remote nerual monitoring stalking it’s seriously ilegal and classed action lawsuit against this I am still young got copies download my self explanning this and a bout real life or life style ok got copies download my self explanning scientific research as to crime’s against humanity or ilegal experimention they was found and fined for there charges ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American I love you as now I educate my self explanning this ok I keep full lips top lips legs go back to normal size and all over ok I lose weight natural way got copies download my self explanning this and other suff great thanks I rest and clean up ok you don’t threaten hair thickness with illegal technology remote nerual monitoring stalking ok or health

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t keep hitting legs ok it’s seriously ilegal or use remote nerual monitoring stalking with VK voice control it seriously ilegal ok thanks blogs again to edit it so I got lots lotot of copies explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs love respect you plus love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and thanks again blogs

  17. rastameaning says:

    Fortknox classed action lawsuit against these perpetrators ok as to aduction ok or threaten looks hair with illegal crown monarch noble ok it’s seriously ilegal Air force base laboratory I keep my hair thicker thicker ok again long waist length hair I got plus tons of amount from ilegal surveillance monitoring with ilegal German Italian you will be found traced ok you don’t threaten this of human hair you are one female handler to threaten ok I keep my hair thickness long waist length ok get thicker a thicker ok been reading about Africa with the crown monarch as well London you don’t threaten health death with satanic religious beliefs occultism as well it’s seriously soon a massive Arrested lawsuit against you ok I keep hair thickness get thicker ok all over top very front back head crown underneath side s top ok been reading about this as to the army guy from forts Bragg’s who new satanic religious beliefs it’s the satanic occult he was arrested for it many years ago you don’t hit my human skull with thumps or threaten head assault with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and remote nerual monitoring Air force base ok I had human brain scan all great for life ok

  18. rastameaning says:

    Its prison it’s ok when I was on the toilet they wave the pee on leggings ok let it back for prove some clothes and shoes as to evidence as well image my mother and other as well it’s seriously seriously seriously
    seriously seriously ilegal if you can’t remember she hits me with technology wireless invisible Assault machine she use technology software engineer system remote nerual monitoring VK voice control they use remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control as it’s was drugs and others smoke crack or heroin or pills they use VK voice control abuse to say terrible sounds they show front body organs as well how they can kill you or give you pain they show full body organs they show how they can hit stomach to with with technology wireless invisible Assault they show images of stomach organs brain eyes hair thickness they show illness as they know they are like repitallan lizard’s ok as they like humans it’s seriously ilegal experimention drugs then control illness as well as that there ilegal from A Airforce base laboratory they get to rise voice as part of ilegal ritral ok they show lower stomach as to tube’s a female organ plus neck show lips skin eyes teeth use ilegal Surveillance software engineer system remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control all ilegal crime control they give insight to human body they don’t threaten body life slow death or kill its Attempted murder Attempted assantion you don’t threaten and make out it a part of life it’s seriously not ok with ilegal beliefs occultism spritally I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness this most stop this must stop ok God bless my own mother she would never see me hurt or suffer ok now it’s not prison it’s seriously justice only ok I know my rights

  19. rastameaning says:

    Its prison it’s ok when I was on the toilet they wave the pee on leggings ok let it back for prove some clothes and shoes as to evidence as well image my mother and other as well it’s seriously seriously seriously
    seriously seriously ilegal if you can’t remember she hits me with technology wireless invisible Assault machine she use technology software engineer system remote nerual monitoring VK voice control they use remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control as it’s was drugs and others smoke crack or heroin or pills they use VK voice control abuse to say terrible sounds they show front body organs as well how they can kill you or give you pain they show full body organs they show how they can hit stomach to with with technology wireless invisible Assault they show images of stomach organs brain eyes hair thickness they show illness as they know they are like repitallan lizard’s ok as they like humans it’s seriously ilegal experimention drugs then control illness as well as that there ilegal from A Airforce base laboratory they get to rise voice as part of ilegal ritral ok they show lower stomach as to tube’s a female organ plus neck show lips skin eyes teeth use ilegal Surveillance software engineer system remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control all ilegal crime control they give insight to human body they don’t threaten body life slow death or kill its Attempted murder Attempted assantion you don’t threaten and make out it a part of life it’s seriously not ok with ilegal beliefs occultism spritally I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness this most stop this must stop ok God bless my own mother she would never see me hurt or suffer ok now it’s not prison it’s seriously justice only ok I know my rights love respect understanding ok

  20. rastameaning says:

    You don’t hit me a round like a foot ball or Puch bag with wirless invisible assault ok or thump skull to feel or top body ok I keep my own physically body ok in this building Solon ok i Been stalking electronic harresment I stay here and heal ok

  21. rastameaning says:

    I spoke to my neice don’t want to see me at Christmas ok on the phone asked why she wants to by boots s ok I be ok happiness freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I will

  22. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten 💓 failure with technology electronic harresment VK voice control or remote nerual monitoring stalking ok or machine Delta to threaten death slow death or kill ok as to use technology to swell belly it’s simlier to DEW ELF but it’s different name ok MK ultra Delta machine and mind control or warfare spritally ok like the ilegal occult ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal there was lots of names for crime against humanity as I got copies download my self explanning this love respect happiness and freedom ok wordpress blog you’re great I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

    • rastameaning says:

      With VK voice control said cut head off freeze it as plan as day to here the female say it I look it up and see which states country done that and it’s Illustrated seriously ilegal ok wordpress blog you’re great ok I looked more and got copies download my self explanning this and photos a bout human body love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

      • rastameaning says:

        With legs with ilegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK DEW ELF it physically ilegal engineering on legs with ilegal Mac in and for breathing as well as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to say it’s seriously ilegal experimention crime’s against humanity I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great United States American wordpress blog you’re great

  23. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me with remote nerual monitoring stalking ok hit to body legs knees upper chest in the middle to feel the wireless invisible Assault ok you are like repitallan lizard’s lurfranian get off my front body with technology assault to feel the hit to front body the middle part upper under chest ok to hit me and I felt the feeling as to the hit once all most fell to the floor ok it’s is like lurfranian they will be found even for computer machine software engineer VK voice control ok it’s seriously ilegal surveillance monitoring ilegal surveillance ilegalsurveillance as to my privacy ok ilegal monarch I know about paper clip and about monkingbird mk ultra days and Delta machine ilegal crime to this as well with Centra intelligence agency organised as so did Virginia when it was closed permanently down many years ago as I got copies download my self explanning this ok and with scientific evidence ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal you don’t threaten a woman hair with torture against a nother women ok and air force base laboratory was closed permanently down as well regarding this MK ultra Delta days and there money as lots was ilegal and wealthy plus there religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare was closed permanently down it was a super success to gain the confidence with intelligence to do this and there contractors agent s perpetrators Sinon as they called then that under those conditions of a name so bless respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

    • rastameaning says:

      You be charged with ilegal Experimention with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal ok you don’t threaten body with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control or threaten death slow death or health condition or threaten at all ok as to monarch MK ultra Delta machine it’s seriously Illustrated seriously crime with Air force base laboratory ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs and websites internet blogs regards this and I got copies and attachments and more copies download my self explanning this ok thanks

  24. rastameaning says:

    For any phyops En to try again physically mentally emotionally spritally or threaten death slow death or health or Asssantion or use wirless invisible to potential threate for remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control or threaten death or work with mind control MK ultra Delta dental it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal or mentally to gain mental illness or against some one else used seek mental help there self s for ilegal threats to gain mental health to trigger you mentally to harm a child or threaten Animal death or broken bone or threaten any one with mind control targeted as to even targted individual as I learned a lot a bout this mentally emotionally spritally and physically us got copies download my self explanning this so I see top s superior court ok you don’t threaten death slow death life over any one to gain power or Asssantion it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal us it’s attempted murder charges to you ill-treatment or make some one have illnesses that could be genocide as a as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos and ilegal experimation so on love peace respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness ok wordpress blog you’re great United States wordpress blog

    • rastameaning says:

      It’s scientific deilvion ok they most be as to d to ay hit front belly hit right leg ok in side this Solon building with ilegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control known that there only woman in this Solon building right now it’s is illustrated seriously ilegal plus even with religious beliefs I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness female handler engineering ok you never thought me again physically and spiritually I make it physically spritally ok love respect happiness and freedom engineering handler for a other human ok I got constitutional rights and freedom of speech ok as real knowledge of Bristsh would say like be for 2000 years ago get off engineering technology phyics phyops female handler engineering you don’t threaten body health with technology wireless invisible Assault

      • rastameaning says:

        You be charged with ilegal Experimention with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I been on body scan

      • rastameaning says:

        You be charged with ilegal Experimention with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal ok you don’t threaten body with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control or threaten death slow death or health condition or threaten at all ok as to monarch MK ultra Delta machine it’s seriously Illustrated seriously crime with Air force base laboratory ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs and websites internet blogs regards this and I got copies and attachments and more copies download my self explanning this ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress theme wordpress blog s

      • rastameaning says:

        Bye the way with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual you Will Will be Found ok engineering

  25. rastameaning says:

    You don’t say with VK voice control I had it in for her for a very long time or threatened hair ok with Technology machine and torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control every one of you be found bye superior Superiority Forts Bragg’s my hair thickness get thicker long back top very front crown underneath long waist length long all over stay long thick all over to torture is illustrated in ilegal surveillance very top front back underneath stay thicker you don’t feel my hair it’s a lawsuit against the abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory

  26. rastameaning says:

    Got copies download my self explanning this word scum in different languages as to saying you scum in German Italian Greek ok so I looked it up the word on the net ok you know scum is a made up word as well and it’s attachments are harmless suprise how many people say it I did here of the word mafia scrum so on its ok any these days it’s a word hardly used now a days love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally and happiness I look up a few more word’s wordpress blog you’re great United States American wordpress theme wordpress blog s

  27. rastameaning says:

    Just been reading about the word scum and got copies download my self explanning this and it’s actually used in so many different languages a round the world even in films

  28. rastameaning says:

    Seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously ilegal Voice control abuse ok Dapper you got knowledge about it ok as they used it as warfare technology ok thanks you don’t threaten VK voice control or threaten technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance with technology spritally warfare technology as they was they was found for it years a go like they was for there part with in the Dentaniess Mrs English ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases M16 knowledge as knowing about VK voice control as well yeras back even when I was a little girl and there was gulf civilian war ok lots go back many years ago now ok so let’s have freedom and happiness it’s see ilegal surveillance or to read some one’s mind or privacy of thought ok as Forts Knox’s gold would agree

    • rastameaning says:

      Look get me on a ritual to rise my voice with relation to the VK voice control plus universal image’s I was all most close to death threw the technology Assault machine all over Christmas Been torture with go on a bout my birth sigh as I am Aquarius 1 at Feb still young enough as my gran would say when I had food green again hit me then got me up to relilate again ok picked on for no reason then hit face then leg to feel the hit go on a bout my shape eyes and as in Bunches light purple jump suit then my cheek mole stay dark brown and freckles dark brown for life they will stay ok now this is very much Illustrated seriously ilegal surveillance or class you in a invisible case I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok

  29. rastameaning says:

    When I was thinking of good put feeling a cross belly then neck then a engineering line like it can cut you to bits a cross my body ilegal surveillance ilegal surveillance I eat normal way for life

    • rastameaning says:

      She the evil handler engineering try to control 🐈 blessing ok in the kitchen blessing tryed to jump up with her ilegal surveillance skills she thinks she as ok got me to turn the same time as to my physical body movement ok and got in the way of jumping last time she them done it is trying to control food and heat on him us it looks like aduction as well ok I don’t go down Ajax’s any more for years

      • rastameaning says:

        As said cat 🐈 cat blessing is name is will eat her prescription food ok love respect happiness and freedom

      • rastameaning says:

        Sorry cat name blessing is a male

      • rastameaning says:

        As Said Cat Will Eat ok as to blessing you don’t say not with voice control then transfer it to mind with voice control with computer doc recording ok he will eat you don’t show technology writing to see and make out it’s paronmal writing ok he will not stave to die threw ilegal crime control

  30. rastameaning says:

    WordPress blog you’re great I been reading about Buddhism it super love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal I will

  31. rastameaning says:

    Look out pressure on legs like when you make out some one is smaller and they are ready taller ok I get my size legs inner muscle near knee caps Normal size for my legs body you don’t hit them to notice as I was not born with legs like that ok I like Buddhism mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  32. rastameaning says:

    You don’t use voice control transfer it on dic computer machine and frame thought I been reading about this topic and got copies download my self explanning this with ilegal surveillance mind reading ok now I know people as to names ok and could go on but it’s a new year now I educated my self on lots of different topics ok now what a bout so on ok you don’t use VK voice control ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit or threaten ok get off my neck as you seem people in this area injoyment with fireworks display so on as to year 2021 and you just hit neck get off my neck handler on you going to have holiday s I am still young enough ok handler Abby and more

  33. rastameaning says:

    On god’s almighty United States American as Washington DC got the museum of Bible on oath real British fortknox fortbragg on god’s almighty oath judge I get lawsuit against this torture abuse and ilegal surveillance is engineering phyops female handler engineering abusers on my arms with medical center Army scientific and technical Technics and skills plus with Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down

  34. rastameaning says:

    On god’s almighty fortknox they made me fat plus a mass ok it is with in a network they looked after others as well VK voice control its ilegal plus ilegal surveillance monitoring is illustrated seriously ilegal mind control I been reading about as to what government was involved with it as I got copies download my self explanning this word press releases blogs United States American wordpress thanks again for all of the copies download I got my self explanning this and your blogs as well as to MK ultra Delta machine and engineering physops engineering black Art all was found ok I got your copies download my self explanning this and in UK Germany so on love you wordpress blog United States American wordpress blog s

    • rastameaning says:

      Got copies download my self explanning UK mind control MK ultra Delta machine ilegal surveillance and a man payed millions as to RAF tech technology abuse torture from wordpress blog United States American wordpress and a bout Robert dunken as to knowing as to VK microwave all great wordpress blog you’re great ok and a bout Dapper mind control MK ultra ilegal crime and illustrated seriously ilegal with military service or Army thanks blogs word press releases United States American your great got lots and lots of copies from your blogs word press releases

      • rastameaning says:

        I got copies download my self explanning this as to Virginia central intelligence agency s base closed permanently closed down as to ilegal mind control MK ultra as well ok great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American

      • rastameaning says:

        Got copies download my self explanning this as to Kevin Christan he great got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress oyes the hander to me is Edwardian ok for my arms ok it’s 2021 he a wicked abuse torture handler engineering who as not got it on her arms ok she loves fashion ok I in this area clothes so on just a buse I been Aduction as to this ilegal female and male with crown Army scientific dilvion it London crown only bi see real British against this I have my constitutional rights to this county England UK a black man involvement with could be french from London UK crown monarch you don’t threaten my arm to a age engineering technology phyops female or for heath

  35. rastameaning says:

    It Life inprisonment for or threaten electronic harresment or organ as wordpress blog I got copies download my self explanning this and from your word press releases blog’s thanks again for your help and support for this knowledge

    • rastameaning says:

      Class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed permanently closed down you don’t threaten with computer science work images going across belly showing stomach with like technical Technics witchcraft religious beliefs about of a human body you don’t threaten hair and body health skin arm to mark as that unthical inhuman torture and experimention to for Mark of age on a young woman or threaten arms thickness of try use it as to health death or make health condition with illegal technology remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control machine Delta MK ultra Delta mind control or legs with medical scientific devilion like MK ultra days Area 51 mind control was seriously illustrated ilegal crime with Airforce base laboratory you don’t threaten technology on face body man made machinery ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory like they found central intelligence agency s be for like they did like Antonio Mike as to fortsbraggs ok years ago as to knowledge as to satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimals crime was all found like Robert dunken great knowledge thanks your great support for this knowledge wordpress blog theme s wordpress blog you’re as to these knowledge and to educate myself again I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs they let others have freedom don’t use VK to me and say prison ok thanks blogs word press releases as to every thing as to knowing what I just put to gather as sentence to read from your blogs as to mind control MK ultra days and other topics

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten death slow death or health or Attempted assantion Attempted murder ok as you said with your blogs wordpress blog or for polical reason

      • rastameaning says:

        Get off my arms with engineering Technics or to say health or to give insight to back of human hair front on top thickness with mind control technician or threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault machine mind control MK ultra Delta machine ok female handler engineering I keep back thickness from sides crown very tops very front top underneath back you don’t say with volce control VK any thing different and make out it your own personal mind I keep hair super you don’t use machines to here and repeat the word no you won’t ok I keep on god’s almighty United States American lone thick all over underneath

      • rastameaning says:

        She a wich ok you don’t threaten hair thickness like a witchdoctor

  36. rastameaning says:

    Ok I got copies download my self explanning this DOD as to central intelligence agency worked with mind control MK ultra Delta and priestess involvement once and got charged as well like the justice department did as well press charges like they did to fortbragg as he was stationed Aquino Mike Army who was as to German ok as he new a bout satanic religious beliefs occultism as to FL fortbragg ok thanks blogs word press releases as I got copies download my self explanning this ok and I got copies download my self explanning this as to health as to make you ilegaly to make a health condition to gain death ok or physically incapatated you could be legs arms or body simler to electronic harresment to gain control or threaten death slow death or Attempt Asssantion or murder ok wordpress blog as I got copies download my self explanning this and polical ilegal surveillance monitoring it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal as you said wordpress blog s releases as I got copies download my self explanning this ok you don’t threaten hair eyes teeth body legs DEW ELF Microwave voice control ok or religious beliefs occultism it’s been seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ok you don’t threaten hair thickness with technology wireless invisible Assault machine Delta with technology torture abuse or threaten death slow death or health to do away with a person like or scar them ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and love you wordpress blog you’re great

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten health or death or slow death or human thickness of hair or legs arm wrists legs body eyes teeth scars fractures eye’s ball body weight home life style skin arms in this Area between to hospital with military army federal ok weapon to Assault machine and ilegal to ok class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime ok Airfare base ok

  37. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten arms with sofistcation or day health ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance ok or threaten thickness of hair with torture or VK voice control ok thanks blogs word press releases to state that ok or legs arms body love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally ok thanks United States American wordpress blog you’re great

  38. rastameaning says:

    Look female handler engineering you don’t keep going on a bout hair thickness as my own stay thicker ok it’s waist length long front very front top back crown underneath stay thicker ok you don’t threaten with torture or with knowledge ok or body ok like or like a lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare technology engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance to ruin looks body Arms hair teeth ok or with VK voice of God or legs ok to gain unlawful control lots lots lots of human hair I got as prove but keep my own hair long waist length thickness all over ok you don’t threaten Arms with technology with engineering Technics ok mind control MK ultra Delta machine days was over as to paper clip and knowledge with Areas 51 or monkingbird MK ultra and like Virginia would say as to central intelligence agency organised ok that was closed down many many years ago engineering phyops female look electronic harresment is illustrated seriously ilegal to control physically ok engineering ok it was banned may years a go like other weapon was it’s seriously Illustrated seriously ilegal to gain control this way us with machine engineering engineer system remote nerual monitoring stalking is illustrated seriously ilegal and was banned many years ago ok wordpress blog you’re great for the knowledge of that to ruin or take over a human being life is ilegal or there mortality Igot copies download my self explanning this lot’s lot’s lot’s about lots of stuff ok and I got copies download my self explanning this ok you don’t use medical scientific female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance to arm look I walked past a woman arm ok she was born like it you don’t threaten my arm as to size ok it’s a class action lawsuit against this account ok on copies download my self to this military Army cheif religious practices priest so on been arrested my year’s back and Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed as Virginia knowledge of it when it was mind control MK ultra days years ago I been reading about other things regarding this issue enough ok to me ok see religious beliefs you don’t try and gain control like a occult that’s ilegal and illustrated ilegal ok so freedom and happiness and physically mentally emotionally spritally like Scientology engineering phyops female handler is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to arms legs body mentally emotionally spritally heal ok get off my arms with medical scientific female engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance you will be found ok wordpress blog you’re great ok I got copies download my self as to your blogs ok female handler your own arms are great left a lone my own the same ok and you know what Bristsh intelligence got knowledge of the machine to Delta and say it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime or threaten technology engineering physics to human arm for ilegal medical scientific division or legs or health to make a health condition ok I see how much insurance for frature teeth so on I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok I was reading about Bristsh intelligence agency organised once for ilegal surveillance monitoring but there British intelligence London and there others as to British ok like a few thousand years ago like the maps lands so on and knowledge as to historical events and heritage and constitutional rights reserved and treason so I learned a bit ok love respect happiness and freedom

  39. rastameaning says:

    It’s convert surveillance David Gardner cane with old shose trainer old fake fur coat he knows he stolen clothes bran new never been wore it’s Army secret surveillance with electronic harresment as I got in the flat they got the transparent machine engineering engineer female to push me a round with hits as David is a well known criminal bye the police 👮 plus used sataillte remote nerual monitoring stalking images most stop drinking is self ihe is Welsh Italian

  40. rastameaning says:

    Look for torture for hair as people are insured for millions or thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds ok you don’t threaten hair thickness or say it’s health or arms ok you are a Witch doctor electronic harresment stalking is a crime as a woman was on website I got copies of speaking about MK ultra and moterolller technology I got copies download my self explanning this and it’s very much illegal illustrated seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously ilegal crime with technology surveillance ok now they have torture me for years not to wash my hair but carefull for me to bye shampoo when I go out and all way wear hair up for 19 all most years but for all most 7 years not wash it only brush it if I tryed to wash it they use wireless invisible Assault with electronic harresment technology and download images in here from London to control me and show images of other people the female Witch doctor electronic harresment abuser as her own hair she go on a bout full lips and who is born with them it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted she is possessed ok and works with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory ok she as a few with her she is German Italian Greek ok simler like mossed ok as this building is Solon building but she is very educated about African Greek so on and a bout religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare ok this for my abouse torture assault illegal surveillance and a bout human hair and made up laws federal government shedow so on deep state so on as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks wordpress blog you’re great ok regards to that ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime and classed action lawsuit against the laboratory Airforce base weapon technology electronic harresment plus VK control ok class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime to commit to a woman with long hair thickness waist length long I keep it me for years of growth it’s up to others if the choose to keep there shorter and I know black girls who have short hair and some put in mix and bland but said to me grow your own hair long one black girl said I got very thickness of human hair how nice it was ok but in this building Solon Greek took so so so so much of it threw scanner it with illegal technology remote harresment but it get thicker again as I got a terrific amount even the real German s would agree that brutally of torture ok even real British a way from crown monarch London UK would say it is and fortknox would say it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted as you know electronic harresment engineering technology abuse torture assault weapon us VK as well as to mind control MK ultra Delta machine Yankee Delta Aloha papa it’s a seriously ilegal crime like monkingbird mk ultra paperclip mossed and more names it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit to gain control or mind control to move a tooth farward it’s seriously ilegal experimention or threaten full lips jjaw skeleton jaw to feel when you eat or threaten death health or threaten torture or murder it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime or threaten death slow death to gain health condition or threaten mortality it physically mentally emotionally spritally Ilegal as I got super super copies my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases your great as I say love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness spritally warfare is illustrated seriously ilegal crime with religious beliefs to gain control as to MK ultra Delta machine mind control

    • rastameaning says:

      Look fortknox it’s seriously Illustrated seriously ilegal crime it’s seriously Illustrated a class action lawsuit against the Airforce base with this ilegal surveillance monitoring ok VK voice of God as to MK ultra Delta machine

  41. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten belly or give insight or show ok with download images ok female handler engineering I eat normal for life as tops doctor said threw mouth ok it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit to threaten death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance electronic stalking harassment ok thanks blogs word press releases I got copies download my self explanning this as to these Topics and from year’s back as well I got copies download my self explanning that this kind off stuff stopped as well love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness I was surprised to gain lots of education regards this information as to download my self explanning this ok love respect happiness and freedom

  42. rastameaning says:

    My cat 🐈 blessing is name is will drink rest eat ok you don’t say with writing any thing different to see or play clever with images or say I thought of a word or sentence after your voice run it a cross my mind the same time

    • rastameaning says:

      l hits to my body you don’t put me on a slow kill ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness thanks blogs word press releases I be ok

  43. rastameaning says:


  44. rastameaning says:

    I got greese hair just went over it it a black french female male handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force of the machine engineering wirless invisible Assault you find them fortknox gold ok ok Nazis I seen museum of human hair got copies download my self explanning this as to human hair with VK voice control you don’t say hair loss she butally force me to wear hair up hit skull with a hit a few times then body they are Army military service Agent responsible for ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally and happiness my hair stay long waist length top very front crown underneath long hair thickness get thicker ok seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously ilegal crime to commit or threaten hair or death slow death with technology electronic harresment VK satanic ritual abuse torture assault illegal surveillance or threaten death slow death or health ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks I appreciate your knowledge as to these crime of copies I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress

  45. rastameaning says:

    I got copies download my self explanning this Pizza gate ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress your great to fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortknox fortworth fortcamball forts so many names as to fortsbraggs fortknox gold

  46. rastameaning says:

    You don’t body with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control or threaten death slow death or health condition with illegal surveillance station I breath normal way and oxgen level normal ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs you don’t threaten with technology writing ok or mind reading or thought as to your personal words

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t use voice control or images to say I thought it for your corrupt machine mind reading or frame thought s

      • rastameaning says:

        Female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance you don’t threaten hair thickness top very front top crown underneath side back ok stay long waist length and get thicker ok with any religious beliefs occultism or with religious beliefs ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks again

  47. rastameaning says:

    Use technology wireless invisible Assault machine in this building Solon hit front body to feel the impact of the hit to swell the front with in a few seconds ok they are phyops female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal my front body go back to normal size again flat ok you don’t show liver to me with technology inmages as top doctors said it will heal ok and it will ok medical handler engineering physics ok as now not drinking for over one year plus it would of been all the years together 5 years plus it will be ok enough now ok I need rest to normal rest of hours now as others do ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

    • rastameaning says:

      Female female handler engineering technology phyics phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault get of leg arm skin with man made ilegal technology ok your arm ok wear gowns short s in summer time ok you don’t threaten me any more enough of your old fashioned way to me when you love modern times your self home life style clothes so on you don’t touch my arm skin ok with skin mark s ok keep it smooth ok I like clothes smell nice shower perfume cream shower nice home life style ok enough it’s seriously been long years ok I got no child now you have I keep my own eyes shape and size lose weight natural way plus keep hair long waist length long ok I keep my own money ok plus Heal physically emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok you don’t threaten hair with torture ok or fear no more you don’t give in sight to stomach or front body ok I keep my own front body and eat normal way for life as doctors said ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and I will I still young enough ok I be ok ok female handler you don’t threaten me no more I been threw enough love respect a nother human being as said had brain scan good for life ok I be ok I got back millions thousands years as to human life began love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness thanks again blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks there millions thousands that are untouable millions love respect happiness and freedom you don’t threaten my face with man made machinery still young enough or leg knee caps with Man made machinery ok love respect happiness and freedom or hair thickness or body you be found for this or leg inner muscle near knee caps ok electronic harresment plus VK voice control is illustrated ilegal and to invade in to someone else privacy in their own home to know your being watched

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten my cat blessing any more he drink drink drink rest eat it’s Attempted murder charges ok he be ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and love respect happiness of Animals from millions years ago be for female and male under stood there own self as to a human being you don’t control him spritally or my self to wards him he a harmless animal ok you don’t play a god’s Jesus Christ we got back long be for them thousands millions thousands millions years thousands millions years ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog there just witch doctor will ilegal man made machinery that ilegal crime could be charged as crime against humanity charge’s ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and to Animals

    • rastameaning says:

      Female female handler engineering technology phyics phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault get of leg arm skin with man made ilegal technology ok your arm ok wear gowns short s in summer time ok you don’t threaten me any more enough of your old fashioned way to me when you love modern times your self home life style clothes so on you don’t touch my arm skin ok with skin mark s ok keep it smooth ok I like clothes smell nice shower perfume cream shower nice home life style ok enough it’s seriously been long years ok I got no child now you have I keep my own eyes shape and size lose weight natural way plus keep hair long waist length long ok I keep my own money ok plus Heal physically emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok you don’t threaten hair with torture ok or fear no more you don’t give in sight to stomach or front body ok I keep my own front body and eat normal way for life as doctors said ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and I will I still young enough ok I be ok ok female handler you don’t threaten me no more I been threw enough love respect a nother human being as said had brain scan good for life ok I be ok I got back millions thousands years as to human life began love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness thanks again blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks there millions thousands that are untouable millions love respect happiness and freedom you don’t threaten my face with man made machinery still young enough or leg knee caps with Man made machinery ok love respect happiness and freedom or hair thickness or body you be found for this or leg inner muscle near knee caps ok electronic harresment plus VK voice control is illustrated ilegal and to invade in to someone else privacy in their own home to know your being watched you don’t in the inside of my mouth to feel the skeleton teeth when it should be fully in side you don’t threaten death slow death or health you be traced with your Airforce base laboratory ok you don’t show eye’s ball to me you will be traced found female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory with machinery you don’t threaten mouth size in side mouth ok perpetrators handler engineering technology crack pipe is coming to a end you don’t scan my mouth or neck in side or hit top lip

      • rastameaning says:

        It unthical inhuman torture to threaten size of mouth in side or full lips ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos saying it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal and it came under experimention ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American

  48. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten hair no more hair hair hair hair hair and hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair front body lose weight natural way female handler

  49. rastameaning says:

    They give me electronic pain to slide across front body ok they control blessing is name is the cat not to drink much water for day as you know cat food is with fresh water but he will drink ok he is no mind control for slow death for them on the female handler engineering physics of phyops black ops medical ok he make it ok he not the black Arts of phyops ok get off my front body with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  50. rastameaning says:

    When I go a pee say with voice control body fuild then say a bout body tubes so on she go on a bout health with a male machine voice ok she the female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance will be found you don’t threaten health death slow death or make health condition with sofistcation of knowledge that’s Attempted murder Attempted assantion you take human being heath life ok seen scientific films regards to this as to even phyicotronic films you don’t show food bag to me ok as said I eat normal way for life ok yes they should be found for electronic harresment plus VK voice control as well as blogs word press releases and others States ok ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control or threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance should be able to find them easily ok great thanks blogs word press releases blogs and others to blogs to educate yourself regards to this love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness love respect happiness and freedom to a human being

  51. rastameaning says:

    You don’t put so much pressure on my top body with technology machine you don’t threaten a human being body or organ s ok as I been reading about electronic stalking harassment remote nerual monitoring stalking harresment VK voice control you don’t pin point on human body you don’t threaten saying your looked after with voice control it is ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment it physically mentally emotionally spritally is illustrated ilegal you don’t threaten me any more phyops female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance ok day in out a machine to gain control is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted there sofistcation will be found love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom

  52. rastameaning says:

    I got got Africa from thousands years ago get of my face ok I keep clear skin keep mole cheek freckles mole dark brown ok you don’t use technology abuse torture assault on my face female perpetrators handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory ok you don’t threaten thickness of human hair thickness waist length long ok there millions of Africa with super long waist length hair they grow there selfs millions thousands of women who have and it so so thick hair thickness they have untouable respect ok look female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory get off my hair face skin body ok still young enough ok it’s seriously ilegal crime to engineering to use some one else and say it part of life it’s seriously Illustrated it’s not you don’t threaten my face hair legs body no more ok enough you don’t threaten no more

  53. rastameaning says:

    I noticed they tryed to control blessing is name is the 🐈 not to drink water but he will drink and eat and rest love respect happiness and freedom physically heal love respect happiness and freedom as to human being and Animal

  54. rastameaning says:

    Right you don’t mark underneath my skin eye I keep it clear like millions thousands do ok french

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten me death and say how long I can stay alive for ok or threaten with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base

  55. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten my legs no more with invisible Assault machine engineering technology abuse torture assault to feel the hit to leg you don’t threaten legs got your own you don’t threaten me female handler engineering no more ok about legs skirt short ok or jeans I kept me years in leggings now and hit legs and got to curle my leg at night to a position you want with cruel inhuman torture abuse or threaten assault illegal surveillance station Air force base to my body for going to the shop in this area and show a blue light over my body to David Gardner it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit to use surveillance or stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control or threaten car accident was enough ok my legs go back to normal size again and inner muscle near knee caps ok lose weight natural way you don’t threaten insults to my front body with technology abuse torture assault or neck torture assault illegal surveillance I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness enough it been terrific abuse torture assault over the last 16 mouths

  56. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten my leg inner muscle near knee caps ok they go back to normal size again as they are leg don’t see the inner muscle to show ok the real estate of pentagon would not treat me this way or use Artificial Intelligence telepathy ok or threaten with technology machine ok class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime surveillance torture abuse you don’t threaten me not to wash hair bath shower perfume cream ok I give Jane a nice flat Super large and bathroom kitchen own garden drive ok this is historical older fashion ways to control my past is my own historical past you don’t threaten some eles human being life ok or show human hair ok or threaten with torture I keep my own hair long waist length long ok like millions thousands do in large country United States American ok and very much untouable you don’t threaten me any more with voice control as real fortsbraggs fortknox fortsbliss pentagon would not treat a woman this way in England UK I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness you don’t threaten machiney to my body any more it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted got copies download my self again as to time’s as change and great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks so love respect happiness and freedom and a human being life ok

  57. rastameaning says:

    Female handler engineering tryed to control my breathing to there disaryment when I wanted to breath my own body as I have all my life ok get off female perpetrators handler engineering you Got no rights to threaten body ok I been threw enough ok you don’t threaten some eles body your body ok fit well I want my own body back

    • rastameaning says:

      Get off my leg then my front body to swell with wirless invisible Assault machine torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment go back to normal size again leg inner muscle and front body belly flat you torture abuse to stay awake at night with mind control level deprived rest ok other dining this building Solon

  58. rastameaning says:

    Fortsbliss fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball forts Polk say it’s 35 years imprisonment if you threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control or threaten death slow with spritally to take over a body or use remote nerual monitoring stalking or health or threaten death health or threaten with religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare to gain control or use technology wireless invisible Assault to a human being body to threaten death slow death electronic harresment plus VK voice control or remote nerual monitoring stalking or phyicotronic harresment is illustrated ilegal crime or threaten with ilegal surveillance station Air force mind control MK ultra Delta machine I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness keep my own spritally heal ok and rest of hours of rest at night you don’t threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control or threaten death slow death with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance

    • rastameaning says:

      Keep my own hair long waist length long ok love respect happiness and freedom hair long waist length wash hair bath shower perfume cream you don’t threaten arm skin with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance wirless invisible Assault machine ok

  59. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten neck with engineering engineer phyics female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance

  60. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten eye’s to make out eyes turned on or rolling eyes ok as my xhusband would say you don’t even with mind control ok mafia female perpetrators handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance will be found

    • rastameaning says:

      I got copies download my self explanning throat tonisls ok in side the mouth ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal to threaten or use experimention ok to this as to hide them ok for medical surgical treatment it’s seriously Illustrated prisonment ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness or with religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime’s against humanity or threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance

      • rastameaning says:

        Neck torture with technology abuse torture or threaten it’s Illustrated seriously ilegal plus with technology religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime’s against humanity I see top lawsuit against this account and there mafia or sicken beliefs occultism or doctrine ok crime against humanity

  61. rastameaning says:

    Got me to say a bout Bible as you know so keep then some don’t some burn then some bye more ok as I got lots for my evidence ok now then put force spritally warfare feeling over me hit neck nose sounds over skull as to saying sentence as to mind control then show images of hair like NAZIS ok I keep my own hair long waist length and body mentally and spiritually from my own birth show you about age or controlled with body machine engineering engineer female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force mind control MK ultra Delta machine and electronic engineering Harresment VK voice control got me to talk about Bible then put it a way then hit me violet way with illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control she uses from London UK as there palace said female perpetrators handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance

    • rastameaning says:

      Stop going on a bout my personal money I get others are better off then me ok plus Life style ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness I won back my own money my own as to my constitutional rights reserved privacy ok my heritage lands ok

  62. rastameaning says:

    With VK voice control said not stopping any one money ok you can’t you ilegal crime surveillance ok as other would be found out so I keep my own money as I won it back my constitutional rights reserved privacy and heritage maps lands thousands years millions years ago

    • rastameaning says:

      Get off my lips face body ok this is class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal crime to commit ever so so ilegal crime surveillance station Air force base ok plus it’s seriously ilegal crime ever comitted to use technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring ok you don’t threaten or electronic harresment VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare it’s seriously Illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base phyops engineering you don’t threaten health condition that’s Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder or slow death ok as I got the amendment of copies regarding this matter ok photos copies my self explanning this and with class action lawsuit against scientific division

  63. rastameaning says:

    On god’s almighty God ok I have had phyicotronic harresment hit to leg to swell to leg near inner muscle near knee cap voice control its seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit or threaten or threaten to control physically mentally emotionally spritally it’s been I. This building Solon mostly the Ilegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking and torture assault it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to control you in side and out side or read a mind or threaten you when you say sentence to suit them for excuse to use technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control or Artificial Intelligence telepathy it’s seriously Illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted to a human being life it’s seriously Illustrated crime or to threaten death slow death or health or make health condition ok ban it as lots have ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally emotionally and happiness ok my leg inner muscle will go back to normal when I say hair thickness they write words to see us when I say back to normal they tryed to say with voice control the sentence as if someone next to you some things diffrent to day you thought it as to frame word ok so I looked this up on the internet as to who they are there name’s so on I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great as well

  64. rastameaning says:

    Laying down just hit body with invisible Assault machine Technology for no reason in side this building Solon ok with ilegal surveillance software engineer system Airforce perpetrators base

  65. rastameaning says:

    Get off my face I got black girl I know ok you don’t threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault machine ok female handler engineering female handler engineering female handler engineering female handler engineering female handler engineering pererator female handler engineering

    • rastameaning says:

      It like a mafia they use technology to mess to people skin face lips as to young woman or make out it’s drugs ok to age skin it’s 2021 ok now lot’s of stuff out to bye ok these perpetrators female handler engineering need to be traced I keep my own clear top lips full size Clear faical neck skin keep mole dark brown freckles ok you don’t threaten experimention like this ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal there lots of creams lotions so on full body and perfume cream ok as my my own gran say still young enough ok i used oil part of my life you don’t threaten age or with technology wireless invisible Assault machine man made machinery

      • rastameaning says:

        Look these perpetrators female handler group test get there normal hours rest but kept me a wake for years as to only most day 2 hours rest ok when car drive past car door shut from out side they hit me I don’t even know who it is if someone jogging the hit my leg when going past it’s all in this area only look when looking at clothes give insight to face lips body when I say lose weight natural way get funny about it as well then when I say I want to wear hair down show human hair all in this building area the most I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness and oils cream perfume shower bath and keep my own money

  66. rastameaning says:

    The terrorists female perpetrators handler engineering in laboratory needs to be arrested for technology wireless invisible Assault machine to belly to force to swell plus use VK control show images of liver body organs ok a few female handler engineering ok it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit to threaten life health or make health condition or death you don’t put pressure on front body you don’t use ELF DEW electronic harresment engineering technology abuse torture or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime or phyicotronic harresment or remote nerual monitoring stalking harresment or distribution of images from Ilegal equipment surveillance station Air force of scientific Dilvion Airforce base laboratory it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit when I go on a bout large amount of clothes stolen hit front body and it when others do ok she make out but blogs state s you don’t threaten weight or front body female and your own is slim female handler ok french fashion is super and Latin ok get off my front body it could be prisonment you don’t threaten me any more or show human body to me in mages fortknox fortbragg got best Technology and would say machine engineering engineer female handler to gain control with technology machine mk Delta is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit ever plus they get the all truth nothing but of the buse torture with technology to this female only the other personal life style is personal to her ok but technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force or wireless invisible Assault machine weapon technology is and is the constitutional rights it’s illustrated seriously Illustrated ilegal crime I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness and bath shower perfume cream clothes love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal

  67. rastameaning says:

    Look these perpetrators female handler are bigger than me that works in a Air force base laboratory they hit right a cross my front body it’s a Africa french female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory the abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station they muniplates religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare like there a occult practice of a religious beliefs ok over these last 17 months it’s seriously been hell she don’t threaten me or threaten death slow death or Asssantion or Attempted murder ok you get your spritally feeling off me as to try and take over and your hand off the control machine botten ok my body not a play station controller to use to hit me with volition of this device microphone system remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control ok you be traced found female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base

  68. rastameaning says:

    Threaten brain or organ or threaten death slow death or health or threaten Asssantion Attempted murder with technology wireless invisible Assault machine or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare or electronic harresment VK satanic ritual torture assault with technology wireless invisible Assault machine or threaten death slow death it’s seriously life imprisonment life imprisonment life imprisonment ok you don’t threaten slow slow death with technology wireless invisible Assault torture assault or threaten organ or threaten with remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance you will be found at all costs

  69. rastameaning says:

    Get off my body ok female handler engineering ok get off me enough with ilegal surveillance station Air force base been threw enough over the years ok leave me alone and years in god’s almighty deprived rest as to hours rest ok plus ilegal Covert surveillance ilegal remote nerual monitoring ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to gain control this way

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault machine it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to you don’t threaten with technology electronic harresment plus VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy Artificial plus phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism or remote nerual monitoring stalking it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted ok so ban this ilegal surveillance monitoring control ok it’s seriously seriously seriously ilegal crime

  70. rastameaning says:

    With unthical inhuman torture abuse I make it the use technology to narrow the size of the rooms down as done for years as to walking around in in ok it’s terrible abuse torture as well then spritally the feeling in this building Solon

  71. rastameaning says:

    They are terrorist group to me in this building Solon ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base with Technology machine engineering engineer system remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control the laboratory found closed permanently closed class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance monitoring with technology wireless invisible Assault abuse torture it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health ok it’s can lead in two prisonment ok they didn’t want real fortsbraggs fortknox to know as it would of stopped straight away it’s seriously been very violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent violent torture on god’s of oath ok I got lots of copies ok but it not real super top fortsbraggs if there United States American in United Kingdom it’s then treason

    • rastameaning says:

      You be traced traced and you priestess involvement with technology wireless invisible Assault ok real fortsbraggs fortknox will trace you ok now they hit violent on neck ok there as said African Latin ok female handler engineering like kubal was found priestess priest years ago and your invisible Assault with be found for every day I took hit like a man as you said I hit her like a man

      • rastameaning says:

        Get off my body with technology wireless invisible Assault and it’s been very violent torture ok my neck is bruise under the skin so it can hide it plus face knees caps front body I got video of the front brused

      • rastameaning says:

        There a group over this building Solon with ilegal surveillance software engineer system Airforce base Technology abuse torture assault ok one is Latin like Italian

  72. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about experimention it’s seriously ilegal crime and can be Life inprisonment for electronic harresment or wirless invisible Assault to body with knowledge

    to threaten death or health or body it’s life imprisonment or electrical chair ok as or what ever else you can call them are ilegal ok or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare is a criminal affence as well ok remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice plus phyicotronic harresment satanic ritual torture abuse is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ok as I got enough copies download my self explanning this and photos to last a lifetime thanks blogs word press releases blogs word press I look hard on blogs got more information about this topic so I believe it’s seriously enough now so bless respect happiness and freedom and physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

  73. Rastameaning says:

    I had terrible Assault to day invisible Assault it like a design to hit you from engineer machinery front body front near breast to Lower front body

    • rastameaning says:

      These perpetrators female male handler got no rights to threaten death slow death with torture or threaten health or death ok you don’t threaten natural body ok you will be traced Real fortsbraggs got the super best Technology going to track you down for even wirless invisible Assault or engineering machine I done nothing to you to be treated so brutally inhuman torture abuse ok I done nothing to you and your barmy religious beliefs lusferraina preistess you don’t threaten satanic ritual torture abuse or threaten death slow death threw torture abuse oyes real Fortsbraggs I been reading about phyicotronic harresment as well it like that in a way

      • rastameaning says:

        Fortsbraggs got knowledge as to satanic religious beliefs occult they was all arrested and charged like Aquino’s base was when he had to go to fortbragg from San Francisco many years ago

  74. rastameaning says:

    David came to see me he just finished probation ok as I was talking show marchinary like it was tranprate class in very light blue they put on front body to swell hit front body said with technology wireless invisible Assault voice control engineering technology liver failure you want have or 💓 heart if a a few female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory plus it’s under ground the female male watching then lab use technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down class action lawsuit against these operations command we top technology fortbragg find them they got the super best as pentagon knows she put pressure on front body then hit me with remote nerual monitoring you know why because others drinking and I don’t and it be all most 2 years but I say 15 mouths but every day go on a bout body pentagon can not get involved with fortsbraggs as it’s a crimmal to watch this and it’s Illustrated ilegal crime to commit every day they hide in a base with like a agent or contractor ok and use technology microphone system voice control I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness it’s other who got to stop drinking ok sort there own life out but it is control that is classified as crime against humanity grid

  75. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten human body shows images of a body say where is it you don’t threaten death slow death or health or threaten any part of the body or organ ok electronic harresment plus VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimals crime love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

  76. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten eye’s or show red dot ok I see for life both eyes and puple s be normal ok god’s almighty God almighty United States American both eyes for life see ok you don’t threaten eyes ok been reading about a lot more information as well got copies download my self explanning lots of stuff and photo you don’t threaten eye’s at all or puple ok I had had scan ok look I been reading about German Holocaust museum and so on ok got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress both eyes see for life and puple ok you don’t use VK tech technology as United States American state

    • rastameaning says:

      Legs go back to normal size again and inner muscle near knee caps ok been reading about German Holocaust museum and preistess lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism the third Reich got copies download my self explanning this and photos lot’s of information about this topic warfare crime it was only love respect happiness and freedom thanks again blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress site your great support

      • rastameaning says:

        Been reading about Aquino’s Mike the Army guy from San Francisco who was tryed at fort Bragg it’s was pretty large them days truths and myths

  77. rastameaning says:

    Level of govt get off my body

  78. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about technology voice of God not sure but got copies download my self explanning ars to the gulf Irag as well it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit ever to use it a civilian or threaten that seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted crime against humanity

  79. rastameaning says:

    Ok use voice control move-in films images make out others got life happiness looking after them they use technology voice control to d say a bout me I make it as well make out about Kim jade as well

  80. rastameaning says:

    Fortsbraggs beliefs are technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control wirless invisible Assault machine threaten death slow death or health or make health condition with sofistcation from a scientific division medical or threaten it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to threaten Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution torture abuse is illustrated seriously and classified a crime and priestess lurfranian repetillan priestess lurfranian occultism spritally warfare crime is illustrated classified a crime as well ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus the full Amendments constitutional rights reserved ok to use technology surveillance station Air force base laboratory to use unthical technology to threaten is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted thanks once again thank blogs United States American wordpress theme blogs as well I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok this barbaric crime’s must stop I been reading about treason genoside plus other stuff I download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs and voice control they called voice of God technology voice to skull I got copies download my self explanning this as to part mind control MK ultra Delta machine

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten a female over any woman or man or over any one’s own life or age ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten physically medical scientific division ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok you all be traced ok you don’t threaten to gain control or health

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten physically medical scientific division ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok you all be traced ok you don’t threaten to gain control or health ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to and can lead to Life prisonment

  81. rastameaning says:

    It’s a prisonment for technology torture abuse wirless invisible Assault ok you don’t threaten a body or health

  82. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me with in scientific Field ok and knowledge a other are super happy ok with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring ok scientific Dilvion Airforce base laboratory I am not being used any more in this area you kept me inprisonate ok remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy phyicotronic is a crime and treason

  83. rastameaning says:

    When I look this good up after a few words with voice to skull say want to you mean ok you don’t threaten eye’s puple ok with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote electronic harresment plus VK voice or phyicotronic ok got more information about this topic word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog I see with both eyes for life ok

    • rastameaning says:

      Been reading about Soviet German Italian bin Laden as well got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog love respect happiness

      • rastameaning says:

        Get off my leg female perpetrators handler ok nice clothes to wear ok female handler ok shorts ok female handler ok life style ok female handler ok you don’t show insight to human hair ok female handler male

      • rastameaning says:

        Been reading about Soviet German Italian bin Laden as well got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog love respect happiness ok

      • rastameaning says:

        Been reading about Soviet German Italian bin Laden as well got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog love respect happiness ok lots of copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases your great support

    • rastameaning says:

      Been reading about Soviet German Italian bin Laden as well got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog love respect happiness ok lots of copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases your great support United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks again

  84. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten hair thickness ok female handler or give insight to human hair ok female handler engineering male

  85. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten human hair thickness or insight as to human hair and part of hit with technology abuse torture

  86. rastameaning says:

    Stop going on to me as to human brain as I got multiple fracture of human skull but brain good for life I was lucky enough ok

  87. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten to put pressure on front body to swell with technology wireless invisible Assault us then rize up chin jaw a round neck to feel the tightness ok and say with voice control 💓 heartatteck you never have I will not I breath normal pluse neck chest heart normal plus oxgen level normal ok Electronic harresment VK voice control or phyicotronic remote nerual monitoring is illustrated ilegal plus as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder charges can be taken in to place with these perpetrators tormenters handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base wirless invisible Assault machine all seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit plastic man made machinery

    • rastameaning says:

      Sorry about a few words wrong with in the sentence mean Man made technology machinery ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom love respect freedom

  88. rastameaning says:

    ok you don’t threaten neck life ok or human being hair thickness or show computer software engineer writing to see as plain as day a bout human resources of hair ok I keep my own hair long waist length ok ok I been reading about NAZIS Holocaust museum with human hair I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok yes as said so much over the years to educate myself about this as it’s great thanks blogs word press

  89. rastameaning says:

    Anmtoney of throat neck jaw got your blogs as to this wordpress got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases your great support regards this topic

  90. rastameaning says:

    Ok it’s is Italian German only as I got the evidence and was involved Africa now she trying to kill slowly the cat blessing ok but can’t that charge will be murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion charge ok she go on a bout human resources hair and human brain as well plus body front body organs like so on as to human being body they show like a matrix the hand could go threw you with technology the insight to human being body been two years I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom as my own gran would say but these perpetrators tormenters handler female male are like lurfranian preistess lufanina they got there own human being body you don’t threaten ok it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit to threaten torture or health with technology wireless invisible Assault or use engineering machinery technology technical Technics as to Electronic harresment VK voice control or phyicotronic as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs ok now wordpress I know I go on about it a lot but this most importantly must Stop

  91. rastameaning says:

    Get off my lips every day hit lip to feel ok keep very full top lips they tryed with colour slightly but I keep very top front full lips ok as I got evidence my self ok I used to wear lips stick ok keep my own cheek mole freckles dark brown for life keep top full lips lips lips lips lips lips lips ok as my own gran say keep full lips ok clear skin keep mole dark brown freckles cheek mole

  92. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me or give insight to human stomach or organ or hair ok as to this building with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual mind control ok you be found ok Air force base laboratory ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health or torture ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs I got copies download my self explanning this and VK voice control electronic harresment plus phyicotronic ok all illustrated ilegal plus MK ultra

  93. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me or give insight to human stomach or organ or hair ok as to this building with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual mind control ok you be found ok Air force base laboratory ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health or torture ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs I got copies download my self explanning this Andrew VK voice control electronic harresment plus phyicotronic ok all illustrated ilegal plus MK ultra for voice control or torture assault must stop and be found

  94. rastameaning says:

    When others drinking you hit me because I don’t plus if the are getting on with there life and you say it’s mentally health you hit me if they drink I don’t I got my own personal body and they got there own

  95. rastameaning says:

    When others drinking you hit me because I don’t plus if the are getting on with there life and you say it’s mentally health you hit me if they drink I don’t I got my own personal body and they got there own love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  96. rastameaning says:

    Fortsbraggs Fortknox fortknox fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk would say get off her front body with technology wireless invisible Assault ok as it’s not normal or ilegal to use technology or threaten breathing ok or to use technology to swell up the body ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance us VK Artificial Intelligence voice control software engineer system

  97. rastameaning says:

    On Superiority fortsbraggs fortknox I haved had front torture abuse assault to front body for over 2 years ok it’s tender now she swelled it up for breathing as well with technology wireless invisible Assault remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment VK voice control ok this building been hell now for all most 3 years regard to this

  98. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about gas chamber in North Carolina got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus you don’t threaten me when smoking a cigarette to blow out smoke with remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control with Airforce base laboratory medical doctor ok you give me no life style clothes no showers bath all you go on a bout is health I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases plus with religious beliefs occultism they was found put in prison as there special superior court regards satanic religious beliefs occultism you don’t threaten to kill slowly and use technology wireless invisible Assault machine or religious beliefs occultism ok that a serious crime ever comitted or threaten breathing I heal mentally physically emotionally and still young enough ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok it’s seriously Illustrated seriously ilegal crime to threaten death slow death or health ok or Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok for murder it’s death row as I got copies download my self explanning this it all depends on the charges as to murder ok but for technical Technics abuse engineering you can be changed with threaten control or health or death I will heal you don’t say something different with VK and travel it to mind doctor

  99. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about MK ultra days with scientific division government officials and it was illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

  100. rastameaning says:

    If you’re working with USA UK it’s Life prisonment ok for ilegal crime ok as real fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball other would agree ok technology abuse torture abuse is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted to threaten or use as to technology abuse torture assault mind control MK ultra Delta machine

    • rastameaning says:

      As said fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood Fortcamball forthood fortworth fortcamball I keep my own hair long waist length my own cheek mole freckles dark brown freckles cheek mole for life ok

    • rastameaning says:

      I keep both eyes see for life both eyes both eyes ok keep my shape eyes both eyes hair body ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station software engineer system remote nerual monitoring

      • rastameaning says:

        Got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to moterrolller think I spelled it wrong but it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal technology a round neck with engineering technology abuse torture slow death or slow kill as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok the perpetrators who done it got leathal injection ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness ok I make it

      • rastameaning says:

        I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to Satanic occultism spritally warfare crime plus machinery Satanist satanic ritual torture assault illegal ok thanks blogs word press releases plus murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted threats to murder with health as to a magician phyops engineering technology abuse torture mind control MK ultra Delta

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten neck middle or for age every one different ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory technician physically phyics ok ilegal female handler male ok as my gran would say still young with technology wireless invisible machinery a round human neck the voice telling laboratory that enough with a government man Army secret police military platform base laboratory ok found ok you be found for Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted change plus you don’t threaten life or make a health condition ok mafia female handler male handler will be found and charged you don’t threaten neck torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found classified ilegal surveillance station remote nerual monitoring ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks again blogs word press releases blogs my neck be ok I got copies download my self explanning Area 51 MK ultra days was found and now hate abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring ok but I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten neck middle or for age every one different ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory technician physically phyics ok ilegal female handler male ok as my gran would say still young with technology wireless invisible machinery a round human neck the voice telling laboratory that enough with a government man Army secret police military platform base laboratory

      • rastameaning says:

        On the gods Bible museum as said my face as got underneath bruised as to ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual torture abuse ok my mark clear and have clear skin but keep my own cheek mole freckles dark brown as to the day I was born threw the brutality of ilegal surveillance torture under my eyes now are slightly very slightly blue as to facial torture abuse Barbaric torture abuse ok on god’s almighty Bible telling the truth I got evidence any way from this Solon building

      • rastameaning says:

        Get the German Russia ok out of my life just all most choking a second ago from phyics engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance plus plate form base laboratory ok you don’t threaten me any more physically or mentally emotionally charged ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring ok voice to skull technology wireless invisible Assault machine or religious beliefs occultism ilegal marchinary phyops engineering black budget black ops medical physicist phyops engineering technology you be found love respect happiness and freedom electronic harresment plus VK voice control plus Artificial Intelligence telepathy remote nerual monitoring phyicotronic all Illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit genocide treason

    • rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten neck middle or for age every one different ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory technician physically phyics ok ilegal female handler male ok as my gran would say still young with technology wireless invisible machinery a round human neck the voice telling laboratory that enough with a government man Army secret police military platform base laboratory ok found ok you be found for Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted change plus you don’t threaten life or make a health condition

      • rastameaning says:

        Ok been reading about German Italian as well every nationally I been reading about London respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

      • rastameaning says:

        This man with ilegal surveillance priest preistess lufanina satanic ritual torture abuse to neck get off as there a man watching with female handler perpetrators tormenters the a buse ok you be found contractors you don’t threaten Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder or threaten death slow death or health

      • rastameaning says:

        My throat back to normal and neck repetillan priestess lurfranian repetillan doctor handler you don’t threaten me any more or health or threaten death ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus levels of government who was involved with technology MK ultra Delta machine and was arrested for allegedly infringed upon this information as to unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture plus unthical experimentation ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to its classified as ilegal crime as to even neck torture was the top s as to 5 count down as Barbaric crimmal offence and torture Ever inmaginable it physically mentally emotionally spritally warfare crimmal offence as well from military physops technical engineer plus there level platform base Army involved with satainc occult practice as well as I got copies download my self explanning this and practice s as to health with sofistcation ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos god’s almighty God bless respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

  101. rastameaning says:

    The army pathologist use technology mind control the female handler go on a bout my cheek mole freckles I keep for life tops superiority fortknox ok they try to frame thought this building is illustrated seriously ilegal with Italian ok but not then in the photos from YouTube years a go ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness keep my own cheek mole freckles for life ok only have tattoo Lazer off technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit plus you don’t threaten hair ok it can lead in to a prison sentence ok

    • rastameaning says:

      I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to untheical unlawful MK ultra days love respect happiness and freedom gladly those days are over with or with machinery ok you don’t use VK voice control around me ok or threaten body phyics engineering ok car accident was enough muitplur skull fratures enough love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok back off ok as fortknox States you don’t threaten me as to front body with technology like witch craft I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally and happiness

  102. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten heartatteck with technology wireless invisible Assault machinary man made or health condition or threaten Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base VK Artificial Intelligence electronic engineering Harresment phyicotronic remote nerual monitoring as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok I be ok

    • rastameaning says:

      I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to untheical unlawful MK ultra days love respect happiness and freedom gladly those days are over with or with machinery ok you don’t use VK voice control around me ok or threaten body phyics engineering ok car accident was enough muitplur skull fratures enough love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom

  103. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten body part with technology wireless invisible Assault or as it’s death penalty in United States American or threaten death slow death or health condition or threaten Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder

    • rastameaning says:

      I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to untheical unlawful MK ultra days love respect happiness and freedom gladly those days are over with or with machinery

    • rastameaning says:

      I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to untheical unlawful MK ultra days love respect happiness and freedom gladly those days are over with or with machinery ok you don’t use VK voice control around me ok or threaten

  104. rastameaning says:

    Fortsbraggs Fortknox can you get these perpetrators tormenters handler class action lawsuit against this I am no experiment on leg or neck ok day in out for a few years straight from laboratory Airforce invloment go on a bout neck leg arm face hair day in out like she a Africa Latin beliefs go on a bout legs body to cover up legs she go on a bout inner muscle near knee caps cover body she go on a bout hair to wear up she s go on a bout bathing shower she go on a bout human hair she is possessed by me she like power control she go on about clothes she her self like silk clothes she go on a bout religious beliefs I am not a joke I am a human being ok enough you be found ok even pentagon would say it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten torture or machinery or equipment VK voice control on a human being life ok she hit face if I want to bath it been years I could not even shower or was hair I keep my own hair long waist length and get thicker ok wash and shower perfume cream s ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood you love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok a female I AM

  105. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault or brain as I had brain scan lots off time good for life I was lucky enough after skull got multiple fracture s ok skull you don’t threaten even with sound to get to brain or base blow up with you in it I been reading about skull guarded with regards religious beliefs from wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases blogs ok I keep it normal ok Fortbragg love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally and happiness

    • Rastameaning says:

      Keep my own tops superiority fortbragg top lips full ok as I got very top full lips keep cheek freckles mole dark brown from birth ok fortbragg ok from birth very top full front lips ok you don’t mark them or colour or size that unthical technology experimental ok can lead in to 35 years prisonment I keep my own very top lip full ok you don’t threaten size of it with technology wireless invisible Hi tech technology or profile ok my colour is slightly different threw technology abuse but will keep full lips size ok as I used to be for electronic harresment VK voice control put lipstick on all different colours

  106. rastameaning says:

    With technology wireless invisible Assault voice control you don’t say frail ok to me you started this abuse after you found out as we was talking out side with nigbour sister working for hospice care only that her own business ok you don’t threaten me any more with technology abuse torture or threaten breathing you be found female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness you don’t pick up on conversation out side this building thousands talk out side it normal us privacy policy is I. Doors is illustrated seriously private ok I keep my own neck voice breathing life and I heal mentally physically emotionally from this a ilegal torture abuse

  107. rastameaning says:

    Females handler male you don’t control me by my human resource of hair stay long waist length it’s can lead in to long prison sentence been reading about preistess and human hair I got copies download my self explanning this and photos and it’s attachments says it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted my own grow back thicker ok as my X would say

  108. rastameaning says:

    As I sat back with technical technology they hit me back as the machinery it like a brick wall in front off you but transparent ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit plus prisonment for useing technical Technics technology this way I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

  109. rastameaning says:

    To threaten death or slow death or threaten Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder or illness or health ok it’s death bye firing guards ok you don’t threaten with technology wireless invisible Assault or VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism or electronic harresment you don’t threaten some eles health life body ok it’s a death sentence

  110. rastameaning says:

    I got copies download my self explanning this and photos of gas chamber plus electrical chair to people who have committed murder plus leathal injection as to geoside Crime’s

  111. rastameaning says:

    The female handler male did try but can’t Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted threats ok you don’t threaten health or make health condition

  112. rastameaning says:

    People as age 80 years old been changed with warfare Crime’s plus others for spiritual warfare crime as to demonic possession as to ilegal occultism practice ok as to heigh priestess lurfranian priestess priest ok as to Satanic religious beliefs occultism ok there underground station software engineer system was smashed plus underground it’s true wordpress theme blogs releases ok good wins evil

  113. rastameaning says:

    Look theses perpetrators tormenters handler who use VK and torture me day in out and needs to be found and when I smoke on a cigarette I blow it back out ok and give up cut down like thousands have and loved phyical body and training

  114. rastameaning says:

    With VK they say frail I will not be then say death sentence there perpetrators tormenters handler with technology software engineer system useing engineer VK voice control is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

  115. Rastameaning says:

    Been reading about crown monarch London UK scientific division ok mine control paper clip or monarch MK ultra is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted in history thanks blogs word press releases blogs your support is greatly appreciated and super blog’s

    • rastameaning says:

      I know about chemical trail plus weather modification ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness love you wordpress theme blogs releases

  116. rastameaning says:

    Look theses scientific division must be found ok it not mind control Area 51 MK ultra Delta machine days or experimention unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture day’s ok you don’t threaten me any more or human body ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory technician technology wireless invisible Assault ok torture or threaten death slow death or Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit ok

  117. rastameaning says:

    With voice to skull said you had very much private torture abuse

  118. rastameaning says:

    The Truma to these Ilegal equipment surveillance software engineer system ok with ilegal scientific division ok as once you know they worked with MK ultra Delta mind control ok so did Area 51 knowledge as to CIA who never agreed with it as well there was more who didn’t then those who did and others was fool’s they got caught

  119. Rastameaning says:

    Look when smoking a cigarette try to blow the smoke out the female handler underground use phyics so I can’t a few times but I had to fight to try and blow it out as she tryed to block it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and I will ok got copies download my self explanning this and photos of stpauls as to sex slavery drugs so on cleaned up a lot now it was underground you don’t threaten me any more with phyical engineer get off my leg mafia female handler ok you don’t threaten me any more with technology abuse torture ok or when I wanted to blow out the smoke from a cigarette or show images of human hair

    • rastameaning says:

      Been reading about illuminated as well got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

      • rastameaning says:

        There’s group perpetrators tormenters handler female handler male you don’t threaten lungs breathing body life death or health I have had no injoyment or life style clothes bath shower perfume creams for years I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  120. rastameaning says:

    These perpetrators are like lurfranian priestess plus VK voice control but knowing of religion as to cover up legs she beat my legs black and blue she is as website say with god’s almighty of fortknox Africa Latinher legs are smooth and wear silk or shorts it others say that who went to Ajax’s they wear shorts

  121. rastameaning says:

    Got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to crown monarch witches Africa Latin priestess lurfranian repetillan lizard MK ultra days as well

  122. rastameaning says:

    The female handler who took super amount of human hair off me with but grow stay long waist length and get thicker she is from crown London UK she works for the amount is seriously barbaric amount she knows about religious beliefs plus she is a serious crimmle ok she Africa mostly ok as to stpauls ok as others new ok as who went to Ajax’s the 3 people Tops superior Superiority court you have ever hread off for torture abuse plus human resources of hair as said god’s almighty it get thicker and long waist length ok back side underneath crown very top front

  123. rastameaning says:

    The female handler who took super amount of human hair off me with but grow stay long waist length and get thicker she is from crown London UK she works for the amount is seriously barbaric amount she knows about religious beliefs plus she is a serious crimmle ok she Africa mostly ok as to stpauls ok as others new ok as who went to Ajax’s the 3 people Tops superior Superiority court you have ever hread off for torture abuse plus human resources of hair as said god’s almighty it get thicker and long waist length ok back side underneath crown very top front ok Africa french German

  124. rastameaning says:

    The priest and agent will be Arrested ok and with remote surveillance software VK Artificial voice to skull

  125. rastameaning says:

    The priest and agent will be Arrested ok and with remote surveillance software VK Artificial voice to skull preistess lufanina satanic phyops massive Arrested warrants no hiding place

  126. rastameaning says:

    Ok as Said Charlie was in a hospice I ok Charlie Maria long term friend was in one for just over two months before he died and of course Maria passed away in hospital well ok I be ok I never end up in one

  127. rastameaning says:

    Just seen a young woman with longish hair but very fine on top and crown that very rare but it should grow back a lot thicker and back to normal love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal

  128. rastameaning says:

    The amount of human hair I got as to evidence I got I had to wear it up for many years plus the didn’t want me to wash it and plus they like my fragrance as well they seen me by it but didn’t want me to use it but liked it I got lots I will use ok and wash hair bath shower perfume cream s every day ok they took the hair as to the amount I got as to Evidence but it get thicker plus long waist length was bye brushing it plus you don’t threaten hair when you brush it or shower ok you female witches will be traced ok I wash my hair every day they still control me on level not to but I will ok

  129. rastameaning says:

    The amount of human hair I got as to evidence I got I had to wear it up for many years plus the didn’t want me to wash it and plus they like my fragrance as well they seen me by it but didn’t want me to use it but liked it I got lots I will use ok and wash hair bath shower perfume cream s every day ok they took the hair as to the amount I got as to Evidence but it get thicker plus long waist length was bye brushing it plus you don’t threaten hair when you brush it or shower ok you female witches will be traced ok I wash my hair every day they still control me on level not to but I will ok ok Fortknox fortknox fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood pentagon ok

  130. rastameaning says:

    You know what I was looking at Texas’s on the blog’s they download zip a cross my mouth hit neck used nice voice of VK and hit with wirless invisible Assault ilegal surveillance monitoring plus given insight to my cheek mole freckles as thousands and thousands as then and kept for life as TEXAS would say used to all weather ok show images of human hair I keep my own hair long waist length eyes Hazal for life both eyes see for life us you don’t threaten me any more ok and it faical nose with wirless invisible Assault us you be found love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness ok fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood Fortsbliss TEXAS ban mind control MK ultra technology abuse torture electronic harresment plus phyicotronic ok VK voice to skull love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

  131. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about electronic harresment Nero scientist s hope spelling it right as to this ilegal technology to give heart attack or breathing difficulty s as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs this technology engineering physics Technics technical most stop like ilegal remote nerual monitoring or religious beliefs occultism magician s so on as I got more information regarding this topic s ban mind control MK ultra Delta machine it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime can be classified as genoside treason untheical unlawful inhuman to threaten death or health us with wirless invisible Assault it’s Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution all Illustrated ilegal crime

  132. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about your own blogs I got copies download my self explanning this and photos of crown monarch London UK mind control days MK ultra ok look just hit right leg with electrical engineer hit to Ilegal equipment surveillance remote nerual monitoring I got copies download my self explanning this as well wordpress plus VK voice control with Armed forces got copies download my self explanning this wordpress blog you’re great help thanks theses perpetrators need to be traced for it seriously ilegal crime to commit ok love respect you wordpress I got tons of copies download over the years thanks blogs word press releases blogs

  133. rastameaning says:

    Got more information copies as to London crown as to when I was a little girl them times much historical events and myths and truths

  134. rastameaning says:

    Word press releases I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to remote nerual monitoring as to compensation and for skull fratures plus skars plus to threaten with remote nerual monitoring ilegal control plus with ilegal surveillance love respect happiness and freedom your great as well wordpress blog s plus human resources of human hair

  135. rastameaning says:

    You don’t show a botten to me saying I can make you do this or that or scream or shout with mind control MK ultra

  136. rastameaning says:

    Kept me icelated for years ok got nose it like Africa Italian German or knazarian I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom TEXAS Fortknox

    • rastameaning says:

      Get off my body with technology wireless invisible Assault to feel it plus coming down at you from the celling to control you some times it’s shape s or then it’s transparent to feel the machinery equipment engineering technology abuse torture with VK voice control electronic harresment is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit plus with Airforce base laboratory

  137. rastameaning says:

    Look thousands millions got super long hair and thousands got cheek mole freckles dark brown Hazal eyes ok fortknox Texas I see for life wash hair get thicker long waist length you don’t threaten me any more about human hair front very front top crown underneath side long waist length and get thicker technical Technics of your feeling as to near private part it not a turn on a bout human hair with mind control thoughts as well as to control that though t as to Artificial Intelligence telepathy remote or organism ok you don’t threaten me any more as to human hair thickness with technology from laboratory base I keep my own hair long waist length long and get thicker when I say black female she shows Witch and hair brush or thickness handler s I keep my own hair long waist length and get thicker you don’t show front back side crown underneath with images

  138. rastameaning says:

    Theses female s handler are like lurfranian terrists group with technology wireless invisible Assault to my knee ok they been hitting it for two years now but Texas it physically go back to normal size again ok fortknox ok it’s seriously amount of illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory and torture I took been Terrific abuse torture on god’s almighty telling the truth there are like lurfranian preistess lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism

  139. rastameaning says:

    Theses female s handler are like lurfranian terrists group with technology wireless invisible Assault to my knee ok they been hitting it for two years now but Texas it physically go back to normal size again ok fortknox ok it’s seriously amount of illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory and torture I took been Terrific abuse torture on god’s almighty telling the truth there are like lurfranian preistess lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism ok thanks TEXAS Fortknox for stepping in ok they used abuse me then torture me and it’s Attachments is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health with technology wireless invisible Assault or VK voice control or show images or Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok as after car accident

  140. rastameaning says:

    On Superiority fortknox TEXAS and museum Bible as I am telling the truth I been treated like dirt with know respect as to a human being I have had the most barbaric amount of torture abuse with technology wireless invisible Assault torture as well I had had black eyes so many times beaten to the ground with a base back like a lump of wood kicked to face head butt to face bottle to skull multiple fracture s to skull punched in face fratrure shoulder bone legs beaten on leg with technology abuse had knifes pulled out on me even throat gold robbed off me with street threater child passed away I had level mind control techniques I had had car accident I had torture abuse with technology plus hit to face plus VK voice control they know others happiness who I slept with but that my own business they got life style home life style clothes and freedom and happiness and holiday I have had none I was a slave with chains you could not see to threaten death slow death or health or Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit ever plus they don’t let me baths shower or clothes with abuse torture ok I get justice and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness my hair stay long waist length and get thicker ok Bible museum USA I make it

  141. rastameaning says:

    Get the scientific medical black phyops who use technology wireless invisible Assault to my body in prison chains from laboratory they made my mother life hell with there level of mind control ok I never be like her but it been brutal torture abuse with weapons and VK

    • rastameaning says:

      Just a minute ago with sofistcation they pulled a bit off water from right eye ok both eyes see for life great tops British a way from crown so many stories about Princess Diana myth truths never mind Keren rest in peace respect ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs

  142. rastameaning says:

    Theses mafia female handler kept in a level as to a dirty condition of a flat plus when they kept it a dirty level with mind control it harder to keep clean plus spare bedroom Taxes I pay ok crown is different from real British ok I know my constitutional rights with real British they would not treated me like this I would live like a princess and great home styles ok but it was a federal government state stpauls as years a go all most 20 it was drugs holes slavery sex workers

    • rastameaning says:

      Just a minute ago with sofistcation they pulled a bit off water from right eye ok both eyes see for life great tops British a way from crown so many stories about Princess Diana myth truths never mind Keren rest in peace respect

  143. rastameaning says:

    With medical scientific female phyops with sofistcation she got a bit off water from my right eye with control

  144. rastameaning says:

    With voice control say I don’t want you to wash your hair then show others hair then show me human hair in a had or brush TEXAS plus when I look at hair styles or long hair she a base female she younger she tell I want blow your light out no fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball pentagon for kids blow you out the laboratory Airforce base you don’t threaten any more real pentagon British would say it

  145. rastameaning says:

    You murders you don’t show tissue to know or cat with niddle to him or threaten death slow death or Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok on god’s super heavens you be traced for this building blessing cat make it rest eat drink hour rest ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

  146. rastameaning says:

    With group female perpetrators watching been hitting on leg knees caps back of leg for 2 years there are like lurfranian but got Isis knowledge of torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring

  147. rastameaning says:

    The female handler beat leg it go back to normal size again but her own ok as she got large amount of clothes swim wear sliks shorts ok super tops life style leave my leg a lone and mean it ok you don’t threaten some eles life health just because you know how to that a crime to ruin some eles life or looks or body or hair that can be classified as geoside treason or crime against humanity love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal or use religious beliefs occultism that illustrates as to the information contained seriously Illustrated war fare crime love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally United States American my hair stay long waist length all over top crown underneath side very front as the real religious beliefs says ok Bible Museum

    • rastameaning says:

      Look fortknox Texas blow you out the laboratory you don’t threaten me any more or VK voice control or hair or leg ok enough ok

    • rastameaning says:

      Look fortknox Texas blow you out the laboratory you don’t threaten me any more or VK voice control or hair or leg ok enough ok ok as TEXAS would say keep your own home life style clothes back us wash hair thickness get back perfume shower every day ok female handler Airforce base laboratory ok American is a large place leave Lesley a lone and leg go back to normal size again lose weight natural way eyes see for life

  148. rastameaning says:

    Blessing 🐈 cat rest eat normal drink normal ok rest the full Hours rest ok who ever you are and your name who made them I don’t know your real names thousands millions years ago who made a cat or other Animals thanks blessing need is Hours rest now eat drink normal way of life

  149. rastameaning says:

    Blessing the cat 🐈 name is will drink eat rest hour now of cats rest ok rest eat drink hours of rest relax

  150. rastameaning says:

    On Superiority of United States American as it’s a large county I have had brutal torture and neck with technology abuse torture with ilegal surveillance remote monitoring ok plus they are ilegal perpetrators contractors they most be found and brought to justice us the ilegal priestess lurfranian female handler engineering phyops theses perpetrators don’t threaten death slow death or Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok

  151. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy plus VK voice control experimental torture ok it’s is illustrated ilegal ok as said got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

  152. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten abuse or sounds a round human being skull ok I keep my own cheek mole freckles dark brown freckles like millions as ok orbyou don’t threaten word to see in writing ok I had brain scan good for life I was lucky enough after the multiple fracture s ok leg go back to normal size again ok thanks blogs word press releases love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and love respect understanding of love of freedom and happiness

  153. rastameaning says:

    Seriously a class action lawsuit against against remote nerual monitoring plus threaten wrist plus when I smoke on a cigarette bi blow it out stop soon mind control interrogation techniques and intelligence Computer software engineer writing said the female handler who not English language at all as they do use technology voice of different voices ok she doesn’t threaten health ok or breathing ok you be found she go on to me to much as to clothes life style she knows I got good taste as to clothes life style ok she went on a bit to much hit near wrist as I am getting tattooed off it seriously secret police Army with technology wireless invisible Assault machine weapon to feel the abuse torture assault some times hard some times soft to feel the torture abuse hit to body leg arm neck I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness you don’t threaten ok with ilegal surveillance station laboratory with technology abuse torture they are a group of them watching with Covert surveillance station broadcasting corporation organised

  154. rastameaning says:

    There a man and female who watched me with technology ilegal surveillance ok he got a sweet voice but say he can’t stand me it like Isis torture technology wireless invisible Assault plus use engineering technology abuse torture or machinery or computer system machine it’s life prisonment ok say TEXAS Fortknox fortknox fortworth fortcamball pentagon

    • rastameaning says:

      To put some one on a machine it’s life as it’s prisonment as it’s Illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted or try gain control its seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ilegal office plus crime against humanity

    • rastameaning says:

      To put some one on a machine it’s life as it’s prisonment as it’s Illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted or try gain control its seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ilegal office plus crime against humanity it called Beast machine

    • Rastameaning says:

      To put some one on a machine it’s life as it’s prisonment as it’s Illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted or try gain control its seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ilegal office plus crime against humanity it called Beast machine it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted or threaten death slow death with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control

  155. rastameaning says:

    When walking distance put pressure to feel lower body ok it’s very wicked control then convinced my mind with mind control but can’t ok it’s been hard going but I be ok I breath normal level neck pulse rate normal oxgen Normal lungs 💓 rythum normal ok my front body go flat as to lose weight natural way plus stop smoking for good luck enough like thousands have and physically wellbeing great as to a level remember there different types of people who do and training straight away and others on a great level it depends on there person ok we are all different but you must remember there thousands of not millions that are untouable respect human being ok great thanks that a normal mind to think that ok I be on a level as I am lucky enough after all I been threw personally ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

  156. rastameaning says:

    all the Bible you got in all of america I been under unlawful inhuman degrading treatment of torture abuse with technology abuse for over 2 years and hit with technology abuse ilegal percution knowledge that I have body multiple fracture s body plus human skull but god’s I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and flexibility percution torture abuse is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted love respect happiness and freedom and a human being and love and understanding get off my neck it go back to normal again with technology abuse torture body as I said I heal mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok love respect

  157. Rastameaning says:

    Ok Sara you heard me back off ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok

  158. rastameaning says:

    You know where your heart is she puts marchinary a round then part to feel it then breathing ok I breath normal pluse neck pulse rate 💓 rythum normal level ok you don’t threaten me female handler engineering technology abuse torture physops engineering technology phyics engineering ok you don’t threaten Death slow death or health or threaten Attempted Execution Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok love respect happiness and freedom

    • rastameaning says:

      To threaten or use man made machinery equipment engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted just like ilegal remote nerual monitoring ilegal electronic harresment plus VK voice control plus phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted to

  159. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me any more or human resources of hair or thickness ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault or show images of men with black white suit with a human skull with mark’s on it as bold head god’s almighty God I keep my own hair long waist length and get thicker ok you don’t hit my mouth to feel the hit or lips born with very much full lips ok and keep eyes straight see for life keep eyes shape ok for life body heal fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk forts Texas love respect happiness and freedom love respect human being percution is illustrated seriously ilegal crime stop showing king queen s in this building with images

  160. rastameaning says:

    Arrested for the barbaric amount of human hair but stay long and get thicker ok

  161. rastameaning says:

    Arrested for the barbaric amount of human hair but stay long and get thicker ok enough I be ok get thicker love respect happiness and freedom

  162. rastameaning says:

    They give me black eyes threw torture abuse as they used to hit eyes brown bone and the Corner plus go on a bout shape eyes off my own I keep ok they hit eyes and done design s over eyes lids as well to force open them plus mental shoctreament with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station ok all bitterly Ilegal equipment surveillance software engineer system remote nerual monitoring ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health with technology wireless invisible Assault or use technology abuse torture assault machinary engineer ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos as to Electronic harresment VK voice control and phyicotronic thanks blogs word press releases blogs word press releases blogs you been great help as well regards to this Topics to educate yourself regards technical details of this ilegal crime and crimmal offence love respect happiness and freedom

    • rastameaning says:

      The NAZIS female handle use technology when it come near you it can swell the belly slightly that dangerous abuse torture you don’t threaten marchinary phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory torture like that ok you be traced plus your sofistcation ok plus it ilegal to threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture or threaten Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder or illuminated so on ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs and from the Holocaust so on as to human hair human resources they got tryed for that as to genocide murder as it was human resources of human life but dead hair but kept it ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom I will a d change with treason I keep my own hair long waist length and thicker ok

  163. rastameaning says:

    Females handler s I keep full top lips bottom ok as I used to wear lips stick keep my own very own shape eyes shape ok and eyes sight for life both eyes straight ok I keep my own hair long and get thicker ok leg go back to normal size again and inner muscle near knee caps ok I heal mentally physically mentally emotionally spritally heal as to this ilegal surveillance monitoring remote and torture program ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok torture abuse is illustrated seriously ilegal crime and will ilegal percution

  164. rastameaning says:

    Get off my arm leg body occult witch practice s you be traced ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal ok wordpress theme blogs releases I keep arm smooth clear still young enough ok love respect happiness and freedom I am no slave

    • rastameaning says:

      Keep full lips ok and the colour they took a bit but I get top lip very full ok you don’t threaten me any more or show puple a tint of hit with sofistcation with technology abuse torture electronic harresment from laboratory ok I keep my very much full lips as I used to wear lips stick all the time voice to skull is a crime you female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory

      • rastameaning says:

        You don’t threaten life death slow death as to any age ok you be traced you don’t say I wanted you and a other man in images you said female handler engineering you can’t you ok scientific division medical doctor ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance treason charge Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder threats I am about birth certificate death certificate Crime’s plus crimes against humanity murder treason I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

      • rastameaning says:

        Get off the leg with technology wireless invisible Assault torture ok as your own female handler engineering are ok normal my own go back to normal size again all over as said female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance is illustrated seriously ilegal I lose weight natural way plus arm smooth clear ok you don’t threaten me any more with Satanist satanic religious beliefs occultism torture abuse bye preistess lufanina phyops female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  165. rastameaning says:

    Look the female handler engineering male my neck is brused with technology abuse torture assault ok say soft kill slow kill with voice control but can’t you don’t threaten me any more or death or health it’s Attachments are Attempting to threaten to kill and Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted threats but can’t treason ok crime against humanity fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood pentagon fortpolk forthood fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortbragg TEXAS they can’t kill me or threaten death or health over other people or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare as real TEXAS would say

  166. rastameaning says:

    They make out there on sataillte says 567 blast off I been reading about Vatican preistess lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism plus church bi got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great and the the links with US says about it as well as it was a ilegal as well them days as well they new a bout MK ultra Delta days as well and religious beliefs abuse torture well that not real religious beliefs at all if you understand religious beliefs the real very real knowledge of it plus 666 it’s a ilegal number plus ilegal Covert myths as to A Anitchrist and it’s Illustrated ilegal mathematics number made up to suit others like mind control MK ultra Delta machine abuse like ilegal torture spritally warfare crime s plus like the NAZIS Holocaust third Reich occult practice was with historical society times murder s Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution it’s seriously all ilegal mathematics number to try and gain control with unlawful untheical inhumane marchinary phyops phyics Satanist satanic ritual and heath black magic death and it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to humanity like the Holocaust was work it out educate yourself regards this topic s love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness your great support regards this topic s wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks again

  167. rastameaning says:

    1 at degree Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion on blessing the named the cat as to being a baby age is just a number you don’t control mentally to try and eat plastic bag bit off it ok under mind control I got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus electronic harresment plus remote nerual monitoring ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness ok you don’t threaten a small Animal against any other or think and play clever ok you are not the creator of knowledge of then as a domestic cat thousands thousands years ago to gain life on earth or with in a home to have gain love to call them a loved pet love respect Animals peace respect grace of them and worship there love back respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness you don’t threaten with VK voice to skull ok Army intelligence female perpetrators group or individual ok with ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory Airforce invloment with Army intelligence Armed forces with VK voice to skull technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station remote nerual monitoring it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to threaten to as to ilegal surveillance program or with religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmals you don’t threaten with technology voice control or travel it to mind with marchinary phyops phyics Satanist satanic religious beliefs occultism to say things differently word sentance after the VK voice to skull try to frame thought mind your mafia female handler with be found for remote nerual monitoring working with religious beliefs occultism plus threats torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory technician physically phyics engineering torture with technology abuse torture ok you all be found with this ilegal technology equipment software engineer system you don’t threaten life for money or contractor s ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs again regards technical support regards this topic s love respect happiness and freedom and happiness

  168. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about death occultism spritally black magic master to threaten death slow death with technology satainc occult practice of health death to use Attempted Execution Attempted murder Attempted Asssantion or murder ok as this could be classified as geoside treason charge so on as to these religious beliefs occultism practice of black magic death occultism ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well love respect happiness and freedom

  169. rastameaning says:

    Get off neck throat ok back to normal again ok you don’t threaten slow death or kill ok that Attempted Execution Attempted Execution Attempted assantion Attempted murder charges ok you don’t threaten health life ok or rise chin up jaw with technology machinery ok I been reading about this ok with ilegal technology engineering physics Technics black ops medical physicist phyops ilegal handler s spritally warfare crimmal like the third Reich plus mossed knazarian was you be found in your engineer system laboratory ok for ilegal surveillance station Air force base I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom Unite state American fortknox fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forts Texas ok who hates torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base or threaten death slow death with satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimals crime occultism black magic ok you don’t threaten health death or make health condition with your physician ok

  170. rastameaning says:

    Theses phyics practice ok black phyops physics Technics technical use technology abuse torture on neck plus ilegal unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture plus to neck with engineering occultism I keep my own neck jaw from birth chin ok they are German Italian like slimler to Russia they used unlawful untheical inhumane marchinary phyops engineering technology abuse torture from a laboratory base ok and can’t threaten death or health ok they know about engineering crack pipe drugs as well I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness my throat be normal and neck as I had scan on it I was lucky enough ok

  171. rastameaning says:

    Get of chin jaw to hight of ilegal control to put pressure on neck I keep my own level chin jaw normal from birth growing up it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to use technology machinery ok or maxtixs ok to rise jaw chin level for mouth open throat

  172. rastameaning says:

    Get the female handler engineering physics Technics off my neck throat I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok you don’t say with VK voice control tir your throat a part you can’t you sad general chemistry of phyics you can’t get your sexualised feeling off my Virgina ok with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance my throat normal and had neck scan plus you don’t threaten untheical inhumane marchinary phyops black ops medical physicist on neck or throat I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  173. rastameaning says:

    Right I let you know about targeted Ind and names who had to tell but I keep them for my self as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok now with abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory technician physician Doctors who torture abuse me kept showing images of body part for two years and hit me for over two years daily basis when other drink I don’t when others took drugs I don’t they hit me over them plus I went to hospital royal hospital said liver function normal will heal up they still used technology abuse torture ok and forced suger ok but stop on all the Bible you have in large United States American and it’s a large place telling the truth they did try to illuminate me but can’t done test said liver will heal and my pancreas be ok normal ok you don’t hit to try and get to body with technology abuse torture over any one and any age or threaten life health or make health condition with illegal technology remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control Artificial Intelligence telepathy or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism or VK voice control I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal but the torture abuse was terrific amount of torture abuse I took they like me to keep things in boxes and not bath wash hair or use perfume but I will body will heal natural way ok when I eat food say healthy and hit me as doctors said I got to ok I keep my own cheek mole freckles dark brown for life and eyes shape birth certificate ok I keep my own money ok heal now ok hit leg show liver leg then show Maria and other and it’s that her body not my own ok two years is enough for liver to heal but they used a lot of barbaric amount of torture but I make from these perpetrators tormenters handler Who could be charged with possession of engineering technology abuse torture ok Attempted Execution Attempted threats to Attempt to commit these crimmal offence of crimes Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion you don’t threaten health death slow death or soft kill

  174. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten organs with technology wireless invisible Assault or VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism practice of black magic master Magician priestess lurfranian repetillan occultism spritally warfare crimals crime ok you don’t threaten microwave VK voice control

  175. rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten you can got threw your mouth or threaten organ or organ failure ok remember crack cocaine is street control they see you smoke it thanks god’s hope must off you stopped ok as it’s engineer system plus cancer free ok bless your self some one love you respect but a way from drugs and alcohol you can recover it . YOU don’t threaten other wise with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory love respect I love the new games that are out regarding this as well plus lab rat so on thanks again blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s ok just say thanks God and spiritually heal with love respect to a human being life and body be happy and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness enough there a law for this knowledge ok you don’t threaten health just because you know how to that murder that genoside plus it’s it with religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmal s as well real knowledge of life will not see you hurt you got to understand it physically mentally emotionally ok love respect happiness and freedom life in it self can heal as there different meaning to god’s or Jesus Christ you got to understand it it as it could be false religion but there is lots of myth and truths ok stop control blessing so crulty you are to him is name is blessing he I cat 🐈 enough you are Satanist satanic religious beliefs occultism back off from this building

  176. rastameaning says:

    You don’t download liver to me on a daily basis for two years only ok who hit belly you don’t threaten stomach liver with technology wireless invisible Assault or electronic harresment VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness you don’t threaten with preistess lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism you don’t threaten death slow death or health or breathing or heart ok with Technology abuse torture

    • rastameaning says:

      As said you don’t dictate to me under any circumstances ok I bath shower perfume cream who say I can’t with level of abuse torture control with technology back off female handler it was terrific abuse torture enough it’s not your own body been threw it ok Torture abuse torture is a crime even with religious beliefs occultism or technology

      • rastameaning says:

        The female handler engineering physics Technics technical physician used technology on arm ok with ilegal physics’ ok but go back to normal she is illustrated ilegal medical scientific division doctor with illegal surveillance that watching the building I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok you don’t threaten age or force on or death ok ilegal crime remote nerual monitoring it’s ilegal

  177. rastameaning says:

    These perpetrators tormenters handler with technology abuse torture is soft bonce feeling then bluntness of a feeling as to technology to feel the hit ok it’s like a shop lifter you don’t see it in there hand well as that like the hit it’s invisible Assault plus show them plus holographic universe images from as to see stuff it like A Dumb base laboratory slimler like a underground bases they will be found ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well love respect

  178. rastameaning says:

    Forts this technique technical Technics of technology machinery engineer Aquitment it’s Underground base ok for facial recognition or try and change you but can’t if you can understand that even with hi tech technology underground bases with technology engineering engineer ok Dumb base ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s once again thank blogs I got copies download my self explanning this they will be found love respect happiness and freedom

  179. rastameaning says:

    With Technology device microphone system VK voice control engineer system entering in this building ok with ilegal surveillance engineering equipment surveillance torture abuse ok voice clear as day to here like there on a microphone system speaker with Army intelligence secret police surveillance

  180. rastameaning says:

    With the NAZIS Italian say keep your regularly heart rhythm breathing ok like she a preistess lufanina satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime you will be traced ok I know about Holocaust breathing difficulty they give them you don’t threaten me with technology abuse torture or breathing or hair any more hair get thicker long waist length ok I breath normal pluse neck chest heart normal rythum plus oxgen Normal machinery man made for ilegal remote nerual monitoring medical doctor or electronic harresment is a crime plus VK voice to skull

  181. Rastameaning says:

    Female handler to don’t dictate to me you have a great life style clothes home ok you don’t threaten or say a bout age I have none and am still young as my own gran would say so leave me alone ok and heal ok mentally physically emotionally ok my mother was a super soft spoken woman and super ok back off you don’t threaten me any more with technology wireless invisible Assault to body as it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to torture abuse me under any circumstances ok

  182. rastameaning says:

    With microphone system VK voice go on every day a bout health like a witch doctor even if I am looking at some thing great that a bout happiness ok it’s been like this for a few months now ok enough others are loved to have a life style female handler ok millions thousands are untouable all you go on a bout is what I can do and can’t and home life style clothes so on with ilegal surveillance when you know others getting on with there own personal life

  183. rastameaning says:

    Some one just phone up my mobile after showing a holographic ✊ to them front body again said where is he wants him dead neather then show human resources of dead hair then show human brain I had brain scan good for life from royal hospital skull muitplur frature s but be ok then give insight to middle part of stomach then liver the heart body organs

  184. rastameaning says:

    Texas fortknox fortbragg and other state you don’t place a human being on a machine or beast machine to control or phyical engineer threaten brain or body or organs it carrying prisonment or fireing wards you don’t threaten health death or health with electronic harresment plus phyicotronic or remote nerual monitoring or use unlawful untheical inhumane marchinary for experimention it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit love respect happiness and freedom or use religious beliefs occultism its still a serious to threaten or try and gain control

    • rastameaning says:

      Sorry word wrong it’s fireing Gard’s if you threaten brain skull with technology abuse torture or put on a machine for ilegal experimention unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture ok it’s life prisonment or firing Gard’s ok you don’t threaten death slow death or health with technology wireless invisible Assault machine as TEXAS fortknox fortbragg would say

    • Rastameaning says:

      Sorry word wrong it’s fireing Gard’s if you threaten brain skull with technology abuse torture or put on a machine for ilegal experimention unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture ok it’s life prisonment or firing Gard’s ok you don’t threaten death slow death or health with technology wireless invisible Assault machine as TEXAS fortknox fortbragg would say ok you don’t threaten health death threw torture or technical or threw religious beliefs occultism Satanic

  185. rastameaning says:

    Put computer technology on my front body near neck lover down a cross the chest ok the feeling was terrific ok you don’t threaten the natural body with technology abuse torture or machinery ok it’s Life inprisonment if you threaten death slow death soft kill or use technology abuse torture percution its carry less prisonment of sentence or if you use technology unthical inhuman torture program or threaten death slow death or organs or natural body elements ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos ok experimentation is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit ever like it was when it was MK ultra days mind control ok you be found as god’s almighty God of United States American you don’t threaten me any more I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok building

  186. rastameaning says:

    Been reading about human body with technology wireless invisible Assault or engineering technology abuse torture or electronic harresment VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic ritual torture abuse religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime ok as I got copies download my self explanning this in every detail and photos you don’t threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture

  187. rastameaning says:

    With hi tech technology voice control says watch her face now I keep my own clear with cheek freckles mole dark brown cheek mole ok you don’t threaten eye’s life slow death or health with technology abuse torture or skin ok you be traced ok I been reading about Utah’s regards to firing Gard’s for people who committed murder torture abuse plus if you threaten life or health plus Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder charges as well love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

  188. rastameaning says:

    On god’s almighty God ok in America the torture abuse marchinary phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory been hell plus with preistess lufanina

  189. Rastameaning says:

    O got lots of freckles cheek mole dark brown and on 👃

  190. Rastameaning says:

    You don’t show white 💩 to me with images my own stay normal for life

  191. Rastameaning says:

    I am staying now in building ok you don’t threaten neck Torture abuse to say leave it ok I Heal emotionally physically mentally ok my neck throat back to normal again ok love respect happiness and freedom

  192. Rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten my cat blessing as to food or slow kill in writing to see in this building or say he can’t eat I have your intelligence for Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok you bases will be found blessing is named is eat drink rest ok you be found ok by other intelligence ok fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball many more you don’t threaten with spritally to feel you can make some one unwell

    • Rastameaning says:

      Look when other go out wanted me back five minutes before them ok I got my own life ok in this building blessing will eat drink rest as normal you don’t threaten death slow death or health with electronic harresment plus VK voice control or remote nerual monitoring

      • Rastameaning says:

        Who are you to download writing to say King I know historical society times murder treason lands maps ok thousands years ago ok real estate of Bristsh intelligence got knowledge of that ok get off my neck with engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station software engineer system remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment you don’t threaten me any more terrists group female perpetrators handler

  193. rastameaning says:

    Buying some reasonable pictures ok said with VK hairloon ok like Artificial Intelligence telepathy voice ok now you took 22 years of me for there area ok Tops superior Superiority ok could not bath or shower perfume cream ok wash hair for years in this building the barbaric amount of human hair after 2014 it’s seriously ilegal crime to commit now I make up for it the tech marchinary phyops engineering was barbaric amount of ilegal surveillance monitoring torture ok you don’t threaten me any more or life or death with technology abuse torture or use voice control with and organization ok after the car accident and with multiple fracture s plus multiple fracture s to skull body I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok on god’s almighty God I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom plus I use creams oils perfume Sinon love respect happiness and freedom

  194. Rastameaning says:

    Try to use technology wireless invisible Assault to swell up front belly use VK voice control on me in this building Solon when I am on my own knowledge others are relaxing ok they tyred to make my life miserable ok as for 2 years now they show human body us stomach us organ with images plus with VK say where is it pin point it when I eat say greedy then threaten me with Technology phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism you will be found and your laboratory you don’t threaten me any more or life or death to ok Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion charge s ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

  195. Rastameaning says:

    Try to use technology wireless invisible Assault to swell up front belly use VK voice control on me in this building Solon when I am on my own knowledge others are relaxing ok they tyred to make my life miserable ok as for 2 years now they show human body us stomach us organ with images plus with VK say where is it pin point it when I eat say greedy then threaten me with Technology phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism you will be found and your laboratory you don’t threaten me any more or life or death to ok Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion charge s ok I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom you don’t threaten death slow death with man made machinery

  196. Rastameaning says:

    Get off my front body to feel the inpect to try and swell front body it like a machine magnet and a few seconds it swell up the go on a bout breathing ok this building ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual scientific division medical doctor female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory my front body go flat and leg normal size again ok lose weight natural way breath normal pluse neck chest heart normal rythum plus oxgen level ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs Fort Lauderdale FL fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

  197. Rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me any more or show blood in images or body or organs ok you be traced for this knowledge of image from machinery ok my body is illustrated seriously my own ok and heal you don’t threaten me any more or show images of any thing ok I been reading about Electronic harresment VK voice control plus phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmal s remote nerual monitoring I got copies download my self explanning this and photos us more information about this topic s as well as from wordpress blog realeaces blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well thanks again

  198. Rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten me any more or show blood in images or body or organs ok you be traced for this knowledge of image from machinery ok my body is illustrated seriously my own ok and heal you don’t threaten me any more or show images of any thing ok I been reading about Electronic harresment VK voice control plus phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmal s remote nerual monitoring I got copies download my self explanning this and photos us more information about this topic s as well as from wordpress blog realeaces blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well thanks again looking forward to track you down soon ok

  199. Rastameaning says:

    The occultism spritally warfare crimals stay a way from my building I am in you will be found Fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood TEXAS got the best Technology to track you down ok you don’t hit front body or skull thumps to feel no more ok or threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance you don’t threaten percution or health ok or make health condition ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom I will make it

    • Rastameaning says:

      Get off leg stop going on a bout leg I keep my own leg normal size again ok knee caps inner musule ok near inner muscle near knee cap ok female handler engineering technology abuse torture plus lose weight natural way ok male female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

  200. Rastameaning says:

    Go on a bout leg skin keep it smooth as my gran would say still very much young enough plus show cheeks of bottom keep my own as I was born with then show human hair and arms neck skull eyes lips neck back I keep my own hair long waist length plus cheek mole freckles dark brown legs arm then show front body then clothes I looked at then shoes then wrists

    • Rastameaning says:

      Then show teeth smile I keep my own teeth I having a extraction again not up the top where I got implant of a bone I be ok smile

    • Rastameaning says:

      Then show teeth smile I keep my own teeth I having a extraction again not up the top where I got implant of a bone I be ok smile ok keep my own arms smooth as my gran would say

  201. Rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten a human being body with technology wireless invisible Assault remote nerual monitoring or day pin point ok its carry a life sentence in United States American ok if you threaten death slow death or health or make health condition with illegal technology engineering physics Technics ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus illuminate you with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory ok as many as been closed in United States American for remote nerual monitoring ok you don’t threaten human being body or with hi tech technology engineering ok as NSA was charged plus private sataillte scientific division medical doctor female handler engineering technology abuse torture was found guilty as well plus charge with level government as to mind control MK ultra Delta machine you don’t threaten health or death or slow death with technology wireless invisible Assault they can be traced for this and all way was found United States American got the super best Technology regards this topic s of ilegal surveillance monitoring Crime’s and as closed permanently closed down with Air force base laboratory ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness they will win to gain access to track these perpetrators tormenters Down with in second as they are better then star trek with technology ok

    • Rastameaning says:

      Get off my Inn muscles near knee caps with remote nerual monitoring I keep them slim down like the day I was born ok you don’t threaten me any more in this area plus religious beliefs occultism get off my inner muscle right near my knees caps slim down back to normal size again ok lose weight natural way ok like milion s have thousands have and untouable respected to do so I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness it seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to scan a human being body with technology abuse torture or machinery plus VK voice control electronic harresment plus threaten with remote nerual monitoring you don’t threaten health or death with technology abuse torture I know about natural laws ok and it’s attachments plus I know about scientific division medical doctor as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well ok I been threw enough ok ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos human resources of a body ok I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress theme blogs releases ok been reading about the occult practice so on as well lots was arrested for this and Scientology spritally warfare crimmal s as well like the was for the Holocaust you don’t keep going on day in out a bout human stomach to me ok magic master Magician priestess lurfranian repetillan occultism

      • Rastameaning says:

        They give me spritally feeling as well it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted plus Inna to threaten with technology abuse torture

      • Rastameaning says:

        They give me spritally feeling as well it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted plus Inna to threaten with technology abuse torture or threaten spritally ok or threaten death slow death or health or make health condition it’s seriously ilegal crime ever comitted can be classified class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal control plus as I got copies download my self explanning this you don’t threaten with technology abuse torture or machinery or equipment VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great support regards this topic s as well

      • Rastameaning says:

        They give me spritally feeling as well it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted plus Inna to threaten with technology abuse torture or threaten spritally ok or threaten death slow death or health or make health condition it’s seriously ilegal crime ever comitted can be classified class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal control plus as I got copies download my self explanning this you don’t threaten with technology abuse torture or machinery or equipment VK voice control or phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great support regards this topic s as well when walking they give there own threaten spritally to feel against my own natural body feeling s ok that classified as seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted us genoside plus crimes against humanity

      • Rastameaning says:

        about sex as it the most important natural body feeling man female ever made to be put on earth and to make children as well ok it’s human life go back millions thousands years ago and to day plus it’s seriously Illustrated very normal

  202. Rastameaning says:

    ok you don’t threaten me any more or with religious beliefs occultism or electronic harresment VK voice control or phyicotronic ok or with remote nerual monitoring or threaten death slow death or health or threaten Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder charges ok I am no experimention unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory MK ultra Delta machine for know one ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok I will be okay

  203. Rastameaning says:

    They ilegal surveillance warfare crimals put machine on body straight after food you want to feel your own body relax but then feels it the but like a box over you to feel different it’s is illustrated seriously ilegal crime it’s is ilegal spritally warfare priestess lurfranian repetillan lizard shirtlifter repetillan occultism preistess involved religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crime you don’t threaten death slow death or health with Technology abuse torture scientific division medical doctor Airforce base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base with kabal or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmal s

  204. Rastameaning says:

    They use technology ilegal machine patent application of number that seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to threaten to control or kill slowly as well thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks again for your help regards this topic s as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases your great support regards this topic s

  205. Rastameaning says:

    You don’t threaten lips or use hi tech to them or colour it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted plus prisonment you don’t threaten

  206. Rastameaning says:

    I keep my own hair long waist length back crown underneath side very front top crown crown ok get thicker thickness ok you don’t threaten thickness of hair as to a other women hair ok you don’t threaten me any more more you don’t show back off hair to me off other people ok you don’t threaten me any more ok female handler s I got human resources of hair threw torture abuse ok it stay long waist length and get thicker ok I got the most barbaric amount of human hair for evidence

    • Rastameaning says:

      The amount was when I brushed it the female handler never let me wash it for years threw torture program abuse but stay long waist length and get thicker wash it every day plus shower perfume cream s oils ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness

      • Rastameaning says:

        The female handler hold on neck and it’s the left side she then try to control breathing until thick suliver forms some time she will not be slow death or health for you or my lower arms go back to normal size again you are ilegal perpetrators handler engineering with specialization in crulty ok like Satanist priestess lurfranian repetillan occultism get off my neck plus right side as you hold it with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found you leave it and Ammitted your crulty of ilegal surveillance station torture abuse with technology percution plus you don’t threaten with remote nerual monitoring ok female handler male I been reading about torture assault technology abuse torture as well as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s

  207. Rastameaning says:

    On every biblical principles Bible you have in large United States American or large American they tryed to murder off my cat blessing is name with control mentally as to there time off life death they work with health death mostly got baby blessing cat for time in years to try and chew a bit off string hope it comes out is poop a few times plastic millions thousands do not and are untouable ok theses perpetrators handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base will be found you know I lost my child and blessings the next to me you don’t threaten death slow death or health or age with technology wireless invisible Assault machine or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare Satanist priestess lurfranian repetillan lizard MK ultra Delta machine you don’t threaten any more you be found for your ilegal surveillance station Air force base weapon technology for torture assault plus threaten to kill or your ilegal death or numbers or time you try to give a life it’s treason us genocide murder charges Attempted Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice to skull technology experiment like VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy remote nerual monitoring stalking scientific division MK ultra is illustrated seriously ilegal crime ever comitted ok your bases will be found they tryed to kill baby blessing ok look I got copies download my self explanning this and photos of great age’s this is drugs street drugs group surveillance station Air force base laboratory ok us they don’t threaten A Animal or a human being to say life time sat day minutes is up they are ilegal perpetrators tormenters contractors money for there self life style plus who it suits them as well they are ilegal Crimmal s

    • Rastameaning says:

      Get these evil handler engineering surveillance of this building they don’t threaten blessing the cat in door no more or at a Jesus Christ god ok just because there a church a cross the road ok you don’t threaten my cat age life number or death or health to suit you you are ilegal murder plus Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok money life style you have you are virgin religious beliefs occultism preistess occultism spritally warfare crimmal ok you don’t threaten life death or with machinery ok VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK ok you be traced Satanist priestess lurfranian repetillan lizard

    • Rastameaning says:

      On Superiority of the Bible museum of fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball pentagon TEXAS I am telling the truth it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found ok or threaten death slow death or health with A animal to threaten day s number your life minutes years ok as to machinery or mind control ok baby blessing cat is harmless she the group ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring watching this building got him to eat sting millions thousands of them don’t they are barbaric ilegal crime surveillance they are group organization or work with the network like there are God father’s and king and queen pin of the drugs strade us with health as it’s seriously Illustrated a money spinner plus there organization of private care home so on and you don’t threaten my cat not more it’s a money enterprise software engineer system remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK Artificial Intelligence telepathy VK voice of God

      • Rastameaning says:

        On Superiority on Superiority on the real estate pentagon fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk forts Texas they tryed to kill baby 🐈 blessing is name off and they know about health death as to control or threaten ok he is my baby these perpetrators tormenters handler are so wicked us about age life off others I got no muture masters of me or blessing to time life death threaten health or make health condition with illegal technology remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice control or phyicotronic ok for large amount of life style others wanted ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime they got baby blessing to eat string hope it comes out with poop ok as they are ilegal they time death day’s years minutes ok they could be charged for treason geoside they work with religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmal a 94 year old was on charge for warfare Crime’s from Germany I been reading about ages got copies download my self explanning this and photos plus anmials there laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten death slow death or health ok with man made machinery ok for money how much you make from it ok Death certificate

      • Rastameaning says:

        I had sting tired a round a Christmas tree ok it quite high the box’s as she played clever ok now the other day I was looking at these cat toys but it like a little tower you Clam up ok it’s quite high but great ok they didn’t want me to by it some they just control baby blessing to got near the string on this level of hight to chew some string I had for years left there and never be for he never been there or touch it she tried to control is days life number as to her life death control or health she is known magician of magic you can be traced found in your laboratory Air force base with scientific division medical doctor female handler engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base remote nerual monitoring stalking electronic harresment plus VK voice of God machinery equipment engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal invisible wirless invisible Assault Astral projection of Astrology software engineer system Astral plane your underground station base plus your other money word it a lot of money to put a person in hospital or health or death money in your pocket you be found you don’t threaten health condition or make health condition or threaten death slow death or Attempted assantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution ok or threaten at all electronic harresment engineering technology abuse torture plus phyicotronic is illustrated seriously ilegal crime to commit us you will be found like religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare was a money spinning as well once as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

      • Rastameaning says:

        She tried with female handler plus male as they used heat on body with in this building ok then she continues to threaten with technology abuse torture but can’t no more ok now she very wicked to blessing one muture one younger the one muture is selfish to bless the cat the one younger is not it’s prirated from level of government scientific division medical doctor she specialises in health us death only they be traced ok like MK ultra Delta machine was they had ilegal scientific division medical doctor s Central intelligence agency organised group all was found plus there Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with ilegal technology wireless invisible Assault machine

      • Rastameaning says:

        She possesses over blessing the cat ok she tried to get him to eat plastic the string never be for only once the daughter of the woman who as religious beliefs had picture of cat chewing plastic like string she shows me on her mobile phone a few months back she but it not them the female handler picked up on it she is possessed female handler plus male with religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare Satanist priestess lurfranian repetillan lizard MK ultra I think tell you the truth they know everything about religious beliefs occultism plus other stuff there education HQ as to mental intelligence is very high there is nothing they don’t know I been reading about Pentagon real pentagon Dapper days who was charged as well for mind control MK ultra as well got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs

      • Rastameaning says:

        I fed up to suit them to go on a bout cat years or dogs look I going to get the best lawsuit money can’t buy for these perpetrators ilegal surveillance private universal sataillte scientific division medical doctor Air force base laboratory for Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted threats to baby blessing the cat who harmful and the magician or she thinks she is with priestess ok with ilegal surveillance mafia she is to make me live in these living conditions us baby blessing they time the years out to a animal it geoside treason charge she likes her own to have age 25 years or more as they know about remote nerual monitoring bus health or death or slow death she download writing the other day to try and make out it was paronmal writing saying slow death ever since Ajax’s other was in there they follow me a round before and after ok as I been reading about royal Airforce ok as with VK say balls eye’s ok now I been reading about Royal Army London UK called Ajax’s and other ranks plus MK ultra Delta machine monarch butterfly as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory ok you be found ok Forts Knox’s Bragg’s forts Texas you don’t threaten life death or health you wicked evilness will be found you love money you don’t threaten life health of any one for your life style of luxury ok I been reading about this topic s as well been reading about hospital prison carehome hospices mental institution street control drugs phamcuticals so on I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs us deep state university bases Sinon underground bases hi tech technology machinery wirless invisible Assault electronic harresment plus VK voice of God phyicotronic harresment satanic religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare remote nerual monitoring I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s we will find them all

      • Rastameaning says:

        Theses perpetrators female handler engineering technology ilegal surveillance make money out of health or death you can get certain amount of money from one Animal or a human being just like if someone die ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s they all be found for treason us genoside large amount of charges in history it’s seriously going to happen you don’t threaten phyics or age on No one ever again ok physically mentally or with hi tech technology to skin life health or death ok you have no hiding places ok your no masters or magician or kabal priest hoods cabal mafia you be found I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s ok I don’t want selfish reasons about some one age or life to threaten death slow death or age just because An age my own gran would say I am very much young still love respect happiness and freedom for years I got copies download my self explanning this and photos of great loved ages us Animal my cat in door cat only ok I have had enough you got some younger great and you got some muture who Trys to play a master degree masonry contractors to life you be found for your self-esteem of selfishness not everyone is wicked or evil about life or age or timed gerocide death or ilegal experimention unlawful untheical inhumane marchinary phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring or slow death to put money in your own pocket or to put a person in a hospice or hospital so on as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s or mental institution or homes money spinning game you be smashed up for ruining or ruin a life with level mind control like MK ultra there is generally a few out of so money that was unwell but mostly it’s money from each person thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness ok contractors so on love respect happiness and freedom to Anmials been reading just like a human being there millions thousands that are untouable respected with love and happiness and freedom

  208. Rastameaning says:

    When Breathing normal and see body movements with it the ilegal scientific division agent say with machinery control the level physically breathing with nurse practitioner technology abuse torture scientific division medical physicist phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base remote nerual monitoring I breath normal pluse neck chest heart rate rhythm for life you don’t threaten 💓 breathing or lungs breathing or threaten to breath different with machinery or threaten death slow death or health with remote nerual monitoring as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as to electronic harresment plus VK voice to skull us phyicotronic plus remote nerual monitoring ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to bye these perpetrators tormenters handler contractor Asssantion Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted to kill slowly or religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimmal s sorry to go on a bout it wordpress blog realeaces as your great support regards this and as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos and who they are or work for it’s seriously seriously as to stop this ilegal surveillance crime with technology abuse torture so I will not say anything more about this topic s but stop this Barbaric crimmal offence of a barbaric ilegal Crime

  209. Rastameaning says:

    I sigh the name to have these perpetrators Italian German ok with Uhta firing Gard’s you don’t threaten leg with technology wireless invisible Assault or remote nerual monitoring in my own home with technology abuse torture or lips neck Breathing from a laboratory base with Airforce base scientific division medical doctor showing images of other people legs ok you don’t threaten me any more or life health Breathing ok others people nort drugs use pipe recover then get fitter with street control drugs with sophisticated handler who will not see them dead or threaten death slow death or health ok there different types of human being who takes street drugs like there are for a person to drink not everyone is illustrated physically mentally emotionally spritally the same ok but you don’t threaten me any more in this building breathing bath shower perfume cream Sun tan fresh air when other making plans still for there own life ok around me ok you don’t threaten me any more with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance station ok been reading Soviet as to voice to skull and Russia who banned it in there state country only great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re great thanks ok when walking distance in this building she the female handler hit legs then go on about breathing techniques as well with ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring ilegal crime control

    • Rastameaning says:

      You don’t threaten or go on about age life 🏠 ok for no religious beliefs occultism spritally warfare crimals or money or use self payed money to threaten death slow death or health or a human being life or experimention unlawful untheical inhumane abuse torture or threaten death slow death with technology wireless invisible Assault or engineering technician Technics technical of machinery ok lots thousands millions are untouable respect this plus I got copies download my self explanning this and photos of ages natural law of life so on plus number s as to the genoside of the Holocaust numbers

  210. Rastameaning says:

    It’s seriously ilegal crime to threaten with technology abuse torture with remote nerual monitoring ok plus the Charges are Attempting murder Attempted Execution by health but I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom ok I breath normal level normal rythum plus pulse oxgen level ok love respect physically well being ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s ♥️♦️

  211. Rastameaning says:

    They are sat out in the garden as I am in hitting my leg if I want to go out or sun tan my gran say still young enough ok creams leg go out in the sun this building is like religious occultism they hit skull so the middle rise up in a line with technology abuse torture then hit arm leg as others are out in the garden it’s her business if she works in a hospice and the other ones religious beliefs is jevhoval witness that nothing to do with me I been here all most 12 year I say love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness enough to leg arm skull body I will be ok you female handler ok ok physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom ok love respect happiness

    • Rastameaning says:

      Stop useing marchinary remote nerual monitoring on me with technology abuse assuits to my leg ok there women legs arms skin untouch in this area others swimming ride bikes injoyment of a holiday there is lots of injoyment as well ok it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime to commit to threaten with remote nerual monitoring ok my leg go back to normal size again ok now look female handler you had me long enough on my own you don’t show universal images scientific division ok my life is illustrated personal but the charges with technology abuse torture will be found you don’t threaten me any more with technology abuse torture ok or leg when walking to push on leg been reading about ilegal surveillance monitoring remote nerual monitoring as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs I am no slave peagon tramp ok I am a human being you don’t threaten me as I was and still am R/B ok music life ok as I was stalking they tryed to take me over to a feeling movement they wanted ok that’s ilegal ok plus I coped in this building ok as to live-in condition levels they wanted no more I get back to my own self ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness enough enough enough I had car accident from this building I was very lucky I be ok ok as I had leg scan ok love respect happiness and freedom ok wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American wordpress blog you’re Super blogs love respect

  212. Rastameaning says:

    It Army secret police with medical physicist phyops engineering technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance I keep my own hair long waist length long ok check mole dark brown freckles cheek ok leg go back to normal size again lose weight natural way ok I keep my own hair long waist length get thicker ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness

    • Rastameaning says:

      Hit both side with technology wireless invisible Assault machinary I keep my own body front body go flat slim down natural way lose weight natural way started after David left as he on probation officer police court under name HRH court had a large amount of drink but most stop they used holographic universe images for him to see when driving he thought it was some one else he new seem walking by it was not he make it physically mentally emotionally but must stop the drinking

      • Rastameaning says:

        Day in out as been hitting right leg near knee cap inner muscle near knee caps ok look I keep my own hair long waist length every one got there own personal life body hair ok my own get thicker fortsbliss pentagon fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk forts bliss I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom

      • Rastameaning says:

        Ok I keep my own hair long waist length and get thicker ok handler engineering female handler ok fortknox fortbragg fortpolk fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk forts bliss ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and freedom and happiness ok

      • Rastameaning says:

        Get off my front body with technology abuse remote nerual monitoring ok I been reading about this topic s again got copies download my self explanning this in detail plus electronic harresment telling you in detail plus phyicotronic VK voice to skull got more information about the once again you don’t threaten with technology abuse torture assault illegal surveillance or health with technology or slow death with technology abuse torture ok love respect happiness and freedom physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and have ok thanks blogs word press releases blogs your great support regards this topic s as well

      • Rastameaning says:

        Day in out as been hitting right leg near knee cap inner muscle near knee caps ok look I keep my own hair long waist length every one got there own personal life body hair ok my own get thicker fortsbliss pentagon fortsbraggs fortknox fortworth fortcamball forthood fortpolk forts bliss I make it physically mentally emotionally spritally heal and happiness and freedom you don’t threaten organs life ok with man made machinery

  213. Rastameaning says:

    Female handler stop showing red dots near eye I keep my own eyes shape eyes sight for life you don’t threaten human eyes or show puple ok I keep my own for life us eyes balls ok like you do get off my neck ok as my gran would say very much still young enough ok you don’t want to be charged with Attempted murder Attempted Execution Attempted Asssantion or slow kill I know about ilegal crime electronic harresment plus VK voice control or phyicotronic ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases to threaten machinary engineer phyisics physicist phyops black ops medical doctor female handler it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted to threaten ok as I got copies download my self explanning this and photos machinary engineer it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime genocide charges murder plus Got copies of the ilegal crime to commit to threaten to kill slowly with technology machinary MK ultra Delta machine days I think wordpress blog you’re great thanks blogs it’s a money think get off my neck female handle male

    • Rastameaning says:

      Theses are medical doctor only as I look at my shoes I have not wore they show bone on the corner of big toe pass it hit it as it’s black and blue you don’t threaten bone over flat shoes I bought ok you are a health medical doctor only you don’t threaten health Life death slow death or feet toe bone feet wrists arm body I got copies download my self explanning this and photos thanks blogs word press releases blogs United States American us remote nerual monitoring for health or threaten health or make health condition it’s seriously Illustrated ilegal crime ever comitted ok or use Machinary weapon s for torture abuse ok you be traced down ok lawsuit against this account of ilegal surveillance station Air force base laboratory found closed permanently closed down with class action lawsuit against this ok military Army

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